Monday, August 20, 2018

The weekend in Wellington


What a lovely Wellington weekend we had.  Friday I was shattered though so I went home and crawled into bed basically.

But Saturday I felt much better.  Jo came over for brekkie and a movie (we watched Pride, which was an excellent British movie about Lesbian and Gay groups supporting the miner's strike in 1984/85) and then went out with Mike to enjoy (hah!) a board game afternoon.

Gilbert logistics meant tricky juggling ensued.  Toby had mates over for their own board game afternoon.  So I couldn't go out to my thing until either they left or Mike got back.

They mostly left and Mike got back.  So off I went - with perfect timing as I had to be in Lower Hutt by 6.45pm.  But as I left, I met one of Toby's mates (Isaac) at the bus stop, so I asked if he wanted a left into town.  That made me a tad later than I wanted.

But I got to Sreejith and Anjali's house at 6.40 and we left there and went to the hall where the Indian church was putting on a feast for a festival - and raising money for the Kerala floods.

An Indian feast 
Matt and Leanne about to tuck in
A bunch of us at the Indian feast
Saturday afternoon

Back to Sreejith's house for a chat before the call of my bed proved too strong.  I collected Jase from work on the way home and into bed as soon as I was there.  Mike was already well asleep.

Up Sunday to prep for the day.  Grocery shopping and then off to the rugby!  Otago v Wellington at Westpac Stadium.  Oosshh!

At the rugby!  With these traitorous friends - Jo and Momo

Yes, well...  Two mins into the game and Otago were behind by two tries.  Aarrgghhhh!   It kinda stayed a bit like that all match.  But it was lovely weather and Prasad, Anooj, Vidya and Siva seemed to enjoy their day out.  James and Celia were behind us with Eva and Charlie - and they were both pretty good at entertaining themselves.

And we were on the TV.  One of Mike's friends posted it as he was watching the match at home.

On Tosh's TV!
Alas Mike got another migraine just as the game wrapped up. Poor Mike. They do come in clusters. But a few Neurophen and half an hour in a dark room seemed to sort him out okay.

Jo and Momo took over our kitchen again and cooked up lentil Shepherd's Pie.  Yum!  And we chatted to Jo's mother too.  Via Skype.

Lentil Shepherd's Pie

Cheesy goodness on top of lentil shepherd's pie

Jo and Jase boogie in the kitchen.  Ok - Jase stopped when I got my phone out.

Smudge chilling on my lap

Moxley in the sun

Cat under my duvet

Iced latte time @ Machete

After tea, we chatted for a while before Mike fell asleep (pretty much) and then Jo and Momo headed off.

Another week looms.  A good weekend coming up - Ron turns 90.  Oosshh.  And it is Jase's birthday too.  He's heading up to AKL to see his other family.  :-)

Right.  Time to start the day.  Have a good one.


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