Monday, December 4, 2023

The weekend in Wellington


Happy birthday to Tyler. 20 today! Wow. I remember her birth pretty well. Where have those 20 years gone? She is an amazing young woman. I hope her day is awesome.

Right. I worked Friday. It was a big day at work. A launch of a new purpose for the company. A big deal.

Then I joined a bunch of people from outside of digital and we teamed up and did an Amazing Race. I have to say, I absolutely loved it. Debbie and Shoshana and I ran all around Wellington CBD. Well, I ran. They complained a lot. But I got rid of a lot of excess energy by running to the Lego shop and back while they bought tickets for the cable car. Good strategy there.

Amazing Race fun with Debbie and Shoshana

Clues gathered

With Chewbacca

I learned some stuff - did not know the metal sculpture on Midland Park was a Katherine Mansfield sculpture.

It was fun to get to know Debbie and Shoshana more. They are both very good at finding holes in the rules. Hahahah. Our best hole might have been Debbie getting a pic of the maurosaur at Te Papa on her phone and me taking a pic of her phone with Chewbacca in it. I thought I was pushing it by getting a pic of Solace in the Wind from the other side of the harbour - using my zoom! Hahahah.

Loved it! We came 4th out of 5 teams. But that's because we missed the 50 points on the last page for a pic with a police officer. Easy points. So we would have been second probably with that one. But such fun. The security guard at Parliament was not very keen on Debbie asking to take photos of them for one of the tasks. Hahah.

Back to work to get changed. Then off to St James for the party.

Adnan and I are ready for it!

The three together again

Oh hi Ken!

Most of the crew

The party was great fun. First up, prize giving in the theatre. The two hosts (Barbie and Ken, naturally) were great. Ken warmed up into the role nicely. Congrats to the winners of the big categories. Well deserved, to all of them. Then it was party time upstairs.

Great fun too. Band was slow to get warmed up, I reckon. But everyone was relaxed and cheerful. It was hard to recognise people. Celia went all out as a rocker Barbie. With a giant cassette tape. So good. I was Jane Goodall Barbie. AT least 2 people guessed. Although some bloke guessed I was Steve Irwin. Okay.

With Abbie as Safari Barbie

We Ubered home at 9.15pm or so. And I reunited my "chimp" from Erin with the baby "chimp". In quote marks because they are both gibbons. But no one noticed.

Reunited after the party

Apes in the kete

I try the rainbow iced coffee. Yeah, nah.

I tried the Boss Rainbow iced coffee - and it got to #2 in the recent Spinoff canned coffee poll. But it was far too sweet for me.

Mike gave me brekkie in bed Sunday

Sally and Andrew popped around to drop the car off after their Hauraki rail trail week. We saw lots of pics. Looked like fun.

I made lots of food.

I made lasagne with Celia's spinach

And haloumi and egg pie for Tuesday night dinner

Smudge pins me down

Moxley sleeps

Made date loaf too

Moxley pins me

And I've nailed the cat content. Hahah.

The Orkney whanau arrive at 5.30pm today after spent ages in the South Island and dinner with Iona and Col and everyone last night. Looking forward to seeing them. Dinner tomorrow at 40WLW.

Have a brilliant week.



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