Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Tuesday at work


No iced latte and no cats pics. What is happening to my blog content? I have gone off iced lattes since I got sick with that flu. Weird, but true. I expect it will come back with a vengeance at some point very soon.

I have been busy so didn't get time to blog yesterday. Monday night saw Mike and I meet Adnan at Dillingers to celebrate our work time together and see him off this week from work. If anyone needs a super smart analyst, let us know. We were going to Honey Badger but it turns out they have closed up shop. We had some beersies and tapas with Adnan at Dillingers and it was very nice. 

Waiting for Adnan at Dillingers

Team lunch 

Also got away at lunch time for a team lunch. One Red Dog. Food was pretty good. And thank you, Erin, for the delicious mocktails. Our team will not be the same after this week. Paul is off sick with concussion and then looking for work once he gets better. Nicole has secured a maternity cover position at work - yay for that. And Erin has special work lined up too. All looking much better than a week ago for everyone.

Nice mocktail - ta Erin

Work has been busy. But I did graduate from my te reo classes. 10 weeks of it. And I did do my homework. Did my mihi. It was ok. Could have been better. But it is at least now in my memory banks.

I graduated from my te reo classes

Work fun

We had a special work event with many coming from across Aotearoa to connect. Shoshana was up from Dunedin. Always good to catch up with her.

Mike was saying goodbye to Richard from work in Bin44. And Andrew joined him - so after work quiz (we came second! We only got 3 wrong in the list of elements that start with M or N) we caught up with them. Had a drink then walked Shoshana to Rydges and saw Andrew off to the trains before we caught a 14 bus.

Up for bus and gym this morning. Squats. 30kg 6 reps x 4 sets. And stretches. My poor body.

Have a great day! Lovely here in the capital this morning.



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