Monday, July 29, 2024

The weekend in Dunedin


Happy birthday today to Shona and Sharon. Hope they have a great day. It is birthday week for the Emmerson clan with Karen's later this week too.

Mike and I are down in Dunedin, visiting his Mum. And we have now eyeballed her and she is very well. Yay! Sometimes you just need to see someone. We love coming to visit. Even if we seem to have struck unusual weather here in Dunedin. Warm conditions at the end of last week (we went for a walk and felt a warm breeze from time to time, in the evening) and expecting snow on the hills today.

Moon rise on flight down

Iced latte at No7 Balmac

Fast shuttle ride from our late arriving flight into Dunedin saw us at Polly's house around 22:30. We were the second last drop off. 

Mike worked Friday and I wandered up to No7 Balmac for brekkie. Polly joined me for a coffee. And then we wandered back home. Mike got a gap at 14:30 so we walked back up for a late lunch.

Polly joined me

Mike's hand is really starting to curl up

It is spring in Dunedin

The weather is really warm here. The daffodils are out and the blossoms are also coming out. We went for a walk into town Friday after Mike's work and enjoyed the balmy conditions. Wandered around the town centre. George St was getting pedestrianised last time we were here. And now it works really well. You can drive through - but you really shouldn't. The traffic gets banked up and parks are reduced.

View over town

George St improvements



Hedge at bottom of Hamel St

Walked back home up Newington Ave and saw the infamous hedge where Sally deposited Mike in his pram. Hahah.

Saturday saw us miss Park Run because the walk up the hill made us cough still. Stupid flu. We did get to see Shoshana though. Met her two dogs. And I got sourdough starter from her. I am very excited to try that.



Sourdough starter from Shoshana

Sunday we went into town for some brunch. Went to The Corner Store (saw it on our walk Friday evening). It was very nice. Mike worked here for Bruce McMillan back when he was a young man!

The Corner Store cafe - in the old Eclipse Radio shop

Iced latte

We have fixed a few things around the house. Bamboo blind. Printer. Door (that was funny. Rasp. Chisel. Sander. But the plane is what worked in the end).

Garage door repairs happening today! Sweet!

Right. Time to get stuck into work. The new world has arrived.



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