Monday, July 8, 2024

The weekend with some spring challenge training


What an epic weekend. It was so good. And Mike got up to his own fun with a trip down to Chc to see Toby and everyone. It was David's birthday so he was down too. They had a great time.

Mike dropped me at the airport - we left work in town at 1630 and I was at the check in gate for Sounds Air by 1650. Sweet - ta Mike!

Ticket in hand

Lovely easy flight over in the dark. Iona collected me and we were back at Iona and Col's place in no time. 

And arrived

Up Friday morning to gorgeous but freezing conditions. Nicola delayed her drive to us by 20 mins to let the ground thaw out a bit more. So it was probably hovering just above zero by the time we started riding from home to the Wither Hills.

We went up the Taylor River and as we cut across the hospital, I dropped into Urgent Care to pay my bill from the weekend in Feb 2023 when I cut open my foot. The receptionist was great. I said "How are you" and she said "Probably better than you". And I said "Well, no actually. I am good - and here to pay a bill". She might gave thought I had broken something as I was decked out in my bike gear. But she was relieved to only have bill payment to transact. Hahah.


Continued to Wither Hills and along the Mapp track towards the Cob Cottage. Almost made it up all the hills.  :-|

About 10 - 11km of riding.

Spring challenge training is on!

Transition to walking

Got to almost the end and there was a road closure. But that did not deter us as we were about to lock up the bikes and walk up to Mt Vernon. Twice!

Yes. We walked up the ride from the end to the top, down the zigzag route to the toilet stop. Then up the middle to the skyline. We ate some food while a trail runner ran by us. Then back up to Mt Vernon and down the ridge to our bikes. About 11km of walking - but a lot of elevation.


and up

At the top

Back on our bikes and around to the road (did they say Dry Fields??) and navigated the school traffic and roundabouts before getting to the safety of the river track.

Riding back

To discover Col had made date scones - so good

Got home to find Col had made date scones. Mmmmm.

Home made

Driving to Nelson

Readers - I did not get up for Park Run. Far too cold for me. 8.30am before I roused from slumber. And had oaty pancakes for brekkie. Mmm.

Then we carried the ladder around to Robyn's house and I got up on her roof to clear the gutters. Great fun rummaging around up there.

Back home to pack (I just shoved it all in) and said goodbye to Col. She was excited to stay and watch the rugby.

Drove to Nicola's house and got the bikes and gear transferred to their double cab ute. Met Charlotte (it is her bike I am riding). And then we were off. Maybe around 1400.

Bikes in  back

I see our house

Hello Brent!

Popped into Torpedo7 - they are closing down. Bought some things. Continued to Upper Moutere and the Harakeke Hill cottage

Skull island - I want to SUP out there

Got there just on dusk. Sewttled in. Watched TV. Had a very nice tea (ta Iona). And wasn't long out of bed. So warm.

Our house for the night

Packing in the morning

Off at 8.25am the next morning to Kaiteriteri. 40 min by car. Stopped at a coffee cart on the way. Got to the MTB park at 9:10am and met people. Emma and Lisa were running it. About 9 women all up. We got split into two groups - 4 of us with Lisa. We also had Jade with us - she is doing her Duke of Ed in Year 11 in Akl.

What are they doing?

Ok - got them

We had over 3 hours of tuition. So good. Lisa checked out bikes. Taught us A,B,C,D.

A - air in tyres. Should feel like a ripe banana when you push down on it. All 3 of our bikes were hard apples. So we let air out.

B - brakes. Yeah - they need to work well.

C - chain. Lisa lubes and cleans her chain every ride.

D - drop test. Pick your bike up 5 cm and drop onto its tyres. Listen out for anything loose.

Then we rode in a circle to check we could use gears. We were all good. And then we had a slow race in a straight line. Who could ride the slowest using the lowest gear and brakes. Wow! Revelation.

At about 10:45am we started up the hill. Up the access track to the top of  Cruise Control. Did some training at the start of Tank - which was a 4WD track where we were. We practised body position a lot here.

Then did some downhill on Glade Running. Back up to the hub and practised corners at the top of Swamp Monster. We finished at 12:45 - eating into Lisa's lunchbreak. 

It was such a well-run morning. Lisa was kind and patient and encouraging. I learned so much. Thank you!

Lunch after the course at Riweka

By now I was starving. Off to Riweka for lunch - very nice. Then continued to Blenheim. Back at Nicola's by 1600. Thank you for driving us all the way there and back, Nicola. 

Iced latte was so good

Hello again

At the airport

Back to Iona and Col's for a quick tea and change of clothes and then off to the airport for my 7pm flight to Wellington.

We took off early at 6:50pm. We landed at 7:15pm and turns out Mike's flight was delayed and I actually ended up waiting for 2 mins for him to get off his plane!

Monday morning in Wellington

Lisa ensures I know the correct boss-mode position

Got washing on and fell into bed. Up to a gorgeous morning here. Did some housework this morning. All the cats' kitty litter got changed. And washing hung out.

Busy week ahead.

Hope you all have a great week.



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