Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Wednesday with work


After a busy day at work, I bussed home. And ended up convincing Mike (it was not hard) to come home instead of going to the leadership MeetUp.

Lovely evening

We fed the cats and sorted ourselves out for dinner. Then we watched some YouTube and did not actually pack for the weekend down in Dunedin. Oops.

We went to bed and slept the best sleep in ages. My cough is almost gone now. Yay! Mike is still a bit wheezy.

Woke up and I had an online session with Quentin in the garage gym. Bench. First bench post flu. 35kg. 6 reps x 4 sets. Mike was in town for his session with Quentin. Quentin heads to Queenstown at the end of next week with Courtney. Very exciting.

Cleaners came this morning. Moxley got out twice. Hahah. And their daughter is due to give birth this afternoon to twins so we wished them all the best for that.

Washing done. House clean. Will pick up Mike after work and head to the airport. Sally coming to play with the cats to keep them company.

Have a great weekend.

It will be my sisters' birthday while we are away. I will be thinking of them. And Karen will also have you birthday next week. Busy time.



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