Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Monday with Toby flying home


Well, I started work early to finish a bit early because I had my appointment for my melanoma check up. Can't miss those appointments. They are hard to secure. Anyway - clean bill of health for me. Woot. And back to a yearly check up rate now, he reckons. Mind you, he has his eye on his holidays. Visiting London then a lot of the -stan countries. Lucky him.


Hey Rasta

Wild harbour views

I made a sourdough for Toby to take back home to Tessa. Hopefully it survived ok. After the appointment we picked up Mike from work and drove to the airport. We had some tea there and then saw Toby safely through security. With some RATs from work so he could test when he got home. We ran out last week at home because we were all testing so much.

Readers. He tested faintly positive when he got home. Uh oh. So I tested again. But I am fine.

We popped into see Kara and I took Rasta for a walk and Mike brought in her washing. Good to see her while we were over this side of town.

Back home. And not long out of bed. Good sleep. Then up at 5.30am. That was a shock. We have terrible weather, but it was okay on my bike ride in. A few spots of rain as I left. But that was all.

Mum next to Robbie Burns in Central Park

[Update] My Mum and Dad are in NY. And they went to Central Park and saw poets path (or walk). And took a pic next to Robbie. Mum now has the full set across the world of this mould of Robbie. Dunedin. Dundee. London. And now Mew York. She has a FULL HOUSE of Robbies.

Off to the gym to see Quentin now. First time in person for 2 weeks.

Have a great day!



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