Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Wednesday with a wee run after work


Happy birthday to Iona today.

Let's see what I did on her birthday eve. Caught up with Alistair at work and had an iced latte with him. Good to hear about his latest stuff.

Iced latte

Another bread baked

After work I managed to get a wee 3k run in. Then jumped on my bike and came home. Plugged in my bike and went into the house for the night. Fed the cats. Baked bread. Waited for Mike to come home.

We went to bed. Had a good sleep. Up early to ride in. Only to find my charger was not switched on. Doh! Will be riding home on one square of battery tonight. Oops.

Busy weekend. Last one before the big race. Will get out on a pedal powered bike. Have a great weekend.


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