Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Tuesday with Cubs


Rode home last night and got rice on to eat with the slow cooker stew that was perfectly cooked when we walked in the door.  Choice.  Love the slow cooker.  We ate and were ready by the time Jack arrived.  Which was lucky as we left in plenty of time, to find the car's battery was flat.  Fortunately John was still there and he dropped us all off (and picked us up at the other end of the night).

Cubs was great fun.  Chaotic and rowdy (what had the parents fed their kids?) but they all seemed to love it.  Good.  We handed out a lot of badges.  Hooray!  One of the leaders couldn't make it.  I hope she isn't getting cold feet.  And Mike told the other leader that he wants to stop being a leader.  Ooooohhh.  Aaaahhhh.  Whereupon, the other leader promptly told Mike he would be away for the start of term 3 and could Mike step in.  Hahahah.  Mike will be our contingency leader.

And talking of the slow cooker reminds me - we used our brand new garlic press in anger to prepare the stew.  Josh, I have to say, this garlic press is a revelation.  Every shred of garlic was minced out and it left the papery skin only.  Our last garlic press just sort of mushed a little bit and skooshed the rest out the top.  Hahah.  No wonder Josh couldn't rest until he had purchased this wonder of kitchen equipment for us.  How lucky are we that we have friends that care about our lives in such a way.  Because, I have to say, not having used any other garlic press, I was completely ignorant that the world could be a better place.

The ride down the hill was fun this morning.  I have ended up with a great bruise from yesterday's ride in but I am a bit perplexed as to how exactly it happened.  Anyhow, Mike and I hurtled down the hill.  I saw 55 on my speedo and Mike saw 56.2 on his.  Good conditions.  And a skiff of snow on the Orongorongos.  Lovely.  The waterfront was beautiful - the harbour reflecting the grey of the sky with a bit of bottle green in the mix.  The sunrise was a fiery glow up near the Tararuas.

Have a fantastic day!

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