Friday, June 1, 2012

The Thursday with nothing - but why do I feel so busy?


The weather is so unbelievable right now.  I bought this mudguard two weeks ago and fitted it there and then at work.  I was a bit concerned at riding down the hill with my eyes shut, you see.  The flicked up water and muck ends up right in my eyes.  Since then, not a wet road to be had.  I still have no idea if the mudguard works in reality.  But, of course, its mere presence is ensuring the rain stays at bay.  Powerful, eh?  And all for $25.

I rode home last night and achieved a new goal.  I didn't use my bottom front cog at all.  Stayed in the middle cog and rode up the hill with 9 gears to spare.  Woo hoo!  Bring on more hills!

Mike cooked a wonderful dinner last night.  Work had these Sealord (seafood company here) dinner packs containing fresh vegetables and tuna and pasta and cooked it up. It was really very nice. 

And no - it wasn't my glass of red wine in front of me.  Hahahah.

Friday - yay!  Got a long weekend.  We're off to Foxton Beach with the Sampsons (they are down from Auckland) and we have a zoo sleepover on Saturday night, dinner in Waikanae, lunch with Yingjie and a whole lot of fun to squash in somewhere.  I have my Kindle so I hope to read some too.

Have a fantastic day!  Have a marvellous weekend.


  1. Congrats on not using the Granny gears!! Thighs of steel!!
