Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Wednesday with user group and tramping club AGM


Possibly the highlight of yesterday was finally catching up with Aidan for lunch.  She has been flat out all over the country (well, at least flat out and over some of the country) and thought Wednesday felt about right - if it was actually Friday!  I know the feeling.

Benjamin came to look after Toby and Mike and I went to the user group session.  It went really well and we left there and drove to tramping club.  Mike got a park right outside the door.  How does he do that?  It was my first AGM and Mike got voted into his role as Promotions Officer on the committee.  I thought about standing up to refuse that nomination, but figured Mike knows what he is doing.  He can always say no to them, right?

Back home and I dropped Benjamin home.  Collapsed into bed and knew nothing until just before the alarm.  The day is wet again.  My dizzy thing has dissipated so I rode in.  But it hasn't completely gone - some of the head turns were a bit disconcerting.  But all manageable.  I'm here, in one piece.  Just a little wet, is all.

I'm leaving a wee bit early to go to Toby's school.  I'm dropping off his science project and taking him out to a cafe for dinner.  If I can find one open.

Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Toby and I nearly, nearly missed the bus again this morning. Toby was really good this mornign - he was up early and doing remedial homework after his slack evening with Benjamin yesterday. But a disrupted routine meant not watching the clock (we were so early we had plenty of time!) and before we knew it it was quarter to 8 and we were later.

    We actually had to chase the bus down, past our usual stop, our other stop, and the emergency-we-are-too-late stop, and go through a dark-orange light to follow it into town in heavy traffic. But the traffic gods were good to us, a path cleared behind the bus, and we were able to hurtle in front of it at its last stop before school. Whew!
