Friday, March 27, 2020

The Friday with day 2 of full lockdown


Our day 4 dawns with heavy rain very early.  But now it is stunning out there - great drying weather.  I seem to do a lot of laundry in lockdown mode.  But notice, I am not doing any ironing.  Aaarrgghh - hate ironing.

Day 2 of full lockdown for NZ as a whole.  Some have been in isolation for longer - immuno-compromised and elderly.  I saw someone has been in self isolation for 2 weeks already in my twitter feed.

I hope this works for everyone.  Some countries seem in a huge mess.  Australia - they are going to get way worse before it gets better.  They seem to be pretending it is not an issue still.  All my family are there, so I can't help but worry.  US - bigger mess.  UK - same, but now taking measures.  Other countries - so much pressure on their healthcare system.  :-(

Last night at 7pm we had the great Gilbert Just Dance competition.  I want to declare Toby the winner by a long margin.  I am going to put it out there:  he actually has rhythm. 

I don't.

My skills at dancing are only matched by my karaoke skills.  It would be hard to make a call on my best skill out of the two. 

However, I am totally enthusiastic at both.  Leap around with a huge grin on my face dancing to hits like:  Dancing Queen, and whatever else took my fancy last night.

Groaned at Mike and Toby's choices.  Psy!  Who wants to dance to Psy?

Gilbert Just Dance competition night

I am also tracking a burst blood vessel in my eye.  Well, the boys are tracking it.  Every day I get up they say it is worse.

Me doing a Twilight vampire impersonation
I tried to take a pic of it.  It's actually worse in real life - the colour is a deep red.  Here it looks a little paler.

Does it bring out the blue in my eye colour?  :-p

I am expecting it to be better by tomorrow.  I think this is day 3 of it.  I will update you - if I remember.

We have gone into isolation without Easter Eggs.  Panic!

Have a good day.


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