Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Tuesday with Cubs


Well, it turns out if you ever get me started talking about astronomy, I won't stop.  I was worried I would not have enough material to talk for 5 minutes and jotted down some notes to try and keep me on track to pad it out to 10 minutes (15 would have been even better).  But by the time I noticed the Cubs getting restless, and wound up my talk, I had talked for over thirty minutes.  And all the Cubs were enthralled with my talk.  So I did something right.

Well, I also did something wrong.  I was so absorbed in talking to the Cubs I never saw Mike in the background making winding up signals as I kept on talking, and talking, and talking.  But Mike saved the day and came in and split the groups up into two, and I took one lot viewing at the telescope and Mike took the others to an activity to make them realise how big the solar system was.

The Cubs all absolutely loved the moon through the telescope.  Nearly all of them went oooh and ahhh as they saw the craters.  We had a lovely night - perhaps the moon was a little too bright.

So I am pleased to get that over with for the week.  I was a bit worried about talking - but had no problems in the end.  And they all liked it.  Four Cubs said they wanted to be an astronomer by the end.

Tonight is karate night.  And choir during lunchtime.  Mike is on karate collection duty and I will ride directly there and get a lift home (via the supermarket).  Then we can go back and get Toby at the end of karate.  It seems to be working well.

I think I rode beside Andrew this morning on the way in - around 8:30am through the back of the Beehive.  I shouted his name but he didn't turn around and then turned left so I thought I was mistaken.  But then he rode into the basement of his building - so maybe I was right!  Helmet looked familiar at any rate.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. That's so great that it was a clear night for astronomy! Well done on the speaking bit. Forget archeology, you should go for astronomy as your next career!
