Friday, September 21, 2012

The Thursday with a chat with Vivienne and John


After waiting for an age for Mike at home to arrive with crucial ingredients for dinner, he rings and says he is still at work and can we meet him at the supermarket.  Hahahah.  So Toby and I did just that.  After I talked to Andrew about the circling kakas above our house and to Vivienne about collecting the mattress.  Went home with our supermarket food and cooked tea.  After dinner I went around to collect the mattress off Vivienne and John and had a very pleasant chat for a while to them.  They are all very well - even Ramble after his health scare for his "parents".

Got home with the mattress ready to make the spare bed up because Mike had had plenty of time to get the base out of the garage and everything ready, hadn't he?  Oh, he hadn't.  Straight to bed then!

This morning is gorgeousness itself!  I was waiting at the garage with Toby and just said to him "I wonder when the kakas come back this way in the morning?" when the four kakas wheeled around chasing each other over our house.  Mike even got to see them this time.  And they have a flash of orange under their wings, just like keas.  We were mesmerised.  It is lovely to see them in our area.

I rode into work with Mike and pedalled like the wind down the hill.  It is so lovely and going to stay like this for the next few days.  Spring has sprung!

This weekend holds some excitement.  Whilst Josh is off on a tramp with Scouts, the rest of his family is coming to town for a sleepover with us.  Aidan and I have a day spa appointment (but not the promised pedicure as I have just lost 20% of my toenails this week - next time!) and we'll head home for dinner and a movie with Mike while the boys play Minecraft and fall asleep.  Breakfast at Drexels tomorrow morning followed by church for school.

Then Sunday afternoon I am meeting Christine for an overdue cafe expedition.  Choice!

Andrew is off on a marathon.  Literally.  A marathon.  Through bush.  So I hope he enjoys that.  If you can enjoy such arduous exercise.

Have a wonderful weekend.

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