Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Tuesday with Cubs


I didn't ride home because I had a meeting up to 5pm and a rush to get home to get dinner ready before Cubs.  So Rex kindly offered to drive me home.  It wasn't because he wanted an excuse to leave the same meeting early at all, was it, Rex?  Hahahah.  Ta, though.  Made it much easier.  Jack was already waiting at home when I got there so lucky Rex did drive me.  Jack would have been waiting for a bit longer if I was riding.

Cubs went really well.  That Simon is a great Cub leader.  We did an Amazing Race around Karori and the evening was so lovely.  The Cubs solved clues and puzzles, put on gumboots and waded through a tunnel to a pond and navigated through a maze.  It was really fun!

Back home to tidy up for the approaching weekend.  Mike and I moved the filing cabinet to the garage and will keep tidying tonight.  We need to collect the mattress from Vivienne tonight too (mustn't forget, Mike!).  Our study is now going to be a spare bedroom.  For all those visitors we're going to get once they realise we have two bathrooms.

The ensuite is coming along great!  Wow.  It'll probably be done within a month or so.

My right toenail finally fell off last night.  Those ski boots!  My left one fell off the night before but it was the right one I was worried about.  I got into bed and could feel my toenail bend when I pushed my feet into the bed.  I was too scared to look at it (it really was different to the other toenail and I was sure it was completely dead - like something out of Brain Dead) so I asked Mike to check it out.  He said he could see a healthy toenail underneath.  So I plucked up courage and cut away the dodgy nail and lo and behold - a healthy pink toenail underneath.  I reckon they should both be as gorgeous as ever by January.  Bit of growing to do yet.

Mum and Dad found a snake in their garage yesterday.  Wow.  They should move back here where the cold keeps any possibility of snakes firmly in the realm of fiction!  They called the property manager and he dealt to it.  A whip snake - venomous.  Ooooooo.

Time to get stuck in.  I am feeling a bit sick.  I think a week of lots of vegetables has done something to my system.  My body is complaining about this freaky occurrence.  I might have to resort to toast and marmite and lots of meat!  Hahahah.

Have a fantastic day!

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