Toby and I had a great weekend in sunny, hot, Blenheim. We managed to finish packing the car after work and got down to my work to collect my bike. Unfortunately I forgot there would be no back seat for Mike so he said he'd meet us at the ferry queue. Toby and I were very close to the start of the queue. Maybe the 6th car there.
I checked in fine and Toby flew down the footpath behind us to catch a purple balloon that was bobbing its way down the street. Mike turned up with Andrew in tow so we all chatted for a bit. Then Doro and Momo turned up with Zoey. It was becoming quite social. Anyway, soon it was time to board and Andrew dashed away to catch his train and see Sally. Mike, Momo and Doro went to sit on a beach and enjoy the summer evening.
The ferry was practically empty. Toby and I sat on a couch and chair in a corner and had most of the entire room to ourselves. I read and Toby played a game and fell asleep. We didn't get into Picton until close to 12.45am.
As we popped out of the Wellington harbour heads, Mike rang and they were on a beach with a bonfire. Astonishingly I found their fire on the south coast as we pulled into the Strait. Such perfect conditions.
We got off the ferry nice and fast and headed into Blenheim. Found the Top10 easily and the after hours letterbox with our key in it. Toby ripped it all open and inadvertently ripped the camp map in half too. Hahah. Piecing it together, we found unit 8 in the dark and drove around to it.
Toby was unsure of the unit as I found 10, then 9 and then 8. He said it didn't seem right. As our key said 8, and the room door said 8, I didn't think much of it. But the key wouldn't open the door. Odd. Mind you, the Taupo house we had also had a front door key that didn't work. So I just kinda thought I was cursed with dodgy keys. The window next to the door was open, so I asked my tall, long-limbed son to reach in and open the front door.
The door opened and we stepped in. I turned the lights on and looked around. Hmmmm. Not quite what I was expecting in terms of how the room was set up. Doubt now creeps in. I ask Toby for the map. Peer at that with the benefit of some lights. Remember, it was about 1.15am at this stage. And realise, to my horror, that the Top10 actually has two unit 8s. Two! Next to each other, practically.
Toby and I look at each other, realising the bullet we'd dodged by breaking into an empty room - because what would have happened if someone had been sleeping in there! OMG! We turned out the light, locked the door and shut it.
We casually walked 3 m further on and unlocked the door of the other unit 8 easily. I drove the car the 3 m and we unpacked and fell into bed. We both had a room each, with no windows. And it was hot. Blenheim is hot!
Anyway, I woke up around 7am and read for a bit before Iona came around. She actually discovered there were 3 or 4 unit 8s at this Top10. All rather confusing. But at least she had our car to pinpoint the real unit 8 we were in. I showered and we left Toby to continue sleeping while we both walked to Grove Road cafe and enjoyed a great iced coffee and some pastries.
Iced coffee at a cafe called 23 Grove Road - a good one at a solid 8 |
After eating there, we wandered further into the town and explored the river area and a few shops before coming back to rouse Toby from bed. We piled him into the car and drove out to Pelorus with me singing (poor other occupants of the car). We parked up outside the cafe there and hoped to get poached eggs for Toby. No such luck. We had drinks and Iona and I shared a sttrawberry cheesecake which was actually superb. My iced coffee was good too.
Another iced coffee - also good - at Pelorus bridge cafe |
We wandered around the Circle Loop for a wee walk - 45 mins on the sign. Maybe it took us 30 minutes at a leisurely pace. But the views were stunning.
Looking down from the bridge at Pelorus |
Sounds sensible to stay on the bridge |
A swing bridge |
My feet and Toby's feet |
Stunning scenery |
Back to Blenheim and a little bit of birthday shopping for Toby ahead of his birthday this week. As we walked back to the car to meet Iona, he said his life was perfect. Well, that was easy perfection.
We went to Alistair and Vicky's house and watched in amazement as they emptied their garage and set up new shelving. In the heat! Wow. We chatted for a bit before Toby and I headed back to the Top10. And we may have both fallen asleep for an hour or so before heading back to see Iona and have dinner with her.
Such fresh lettuce and salad - yum. And chicken. I ate the chicken because it seemed silly to mention I was a vegetarian at that point. But I gave Toby one of my chicken pieces to not took too obvious. In the end I did mention that I don't eat much meat (ok, pretty much none). But it seems so fussy to be picky about such things. maybe I just eat meat if I need to...
We chatted to Col on the phone - then Mike. And Toby and I headed back to our unit although I think it was quite late by then. Like 11pm! Toby watched a movie and I snored my head off.
Up early the next morning, but tied to the bed like it was a magnet. Eventually I got up and packed up. It was actually raining lightly. Weird. Toby and I got on our bikes and checked out. leaving the car at the Top10. We rode down SH1, with Toby getting used to the bike on the footpath. By the time we got to Watery Mouth, he was fine.
Iced coffee at Watery Mouth cafe - good solid 8 |
Iona was there already with her bike. We had a scrumptious brekkie. And then we biked down the river path to the Farmers Market. Got a load of raspberries and some pastries. Then continued up the river to Taylor Dam.
Selfie with Toby and Iona behind me |
Our destination |
Seeking shade |
The water in the dam |
Fluffy ground |
So, so hot. Lucky we bought a bottle of water for Iona on the way. We could have done with a lot more of it. So hot. We ate in the shade and scoffed the last of our water. Iona shared some of hers with us though. I filled up a bottle from the tap at the toilets, but was only keeping that for emergencies.
The ride back went fast, despite the headwind. Got to Alistair and Vicky's house and drank their cold water fridge supply empty. Hahah. Iona and I sat on the porch in old school fold up camp chairs and chatted away. But, something weird happened. I fell asleep. While sitting upright in this camp chair. And I think Iona took photos. Anyway, I must have slept for a while like this because once I was up and about, Iona had mysteriously showered. She said she told me, but that was all news to me!
We went to a hotel and listened to Alistair's jazz band play. I think Toby actually liked it. From there, Toby and I rode back to the Top10, piled the bikes into the car and headed to the ferry.
It was another smooth sailing back, with barely any swell at all through the Strait. Such lovely weather. What a fantastic weekend. Toby said to Mike when he got home that he didn't think he would enjoy the weekend that much - but he really had a great time. Woot!
Toby's birthday tomorrow. So excited.
Have a brilliant week.