Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Wednesday that was my birthday


Can I have a birthday every day?  I love birthdays.  I love yours.  I do!  But I love mine more.  Hahahah.  I got so many birthday wishes.  It was lovely.

Mike got a migraine after cooking an awesome brekkie for me.  So he took painkillers and went back to bed.  He eventually was okay enough to venture out - but it took a while and he did sleep lots.

Toby got the hint around 11am when I asked him what day it was.  We got a video chat with him - met his flatmates in the hostel briefly.  Hahah.  Good on you Toby.

We were in level 2 restrictions in Wellington (and the rest of the country outside of Auckland which was in level 3) so I was working from home.  We switched out our in person birthday lunch for an online lunch.

Thank you to my colleagues fore making it such fun.  Ellie made her lunch and Kirsty copied it.  I reckon we could be onto a new form of entertainment.  We choose 2 people each time, one selects the menu and puts out the ingredients ahead of our online lunch.  And we watch someone copy the recipe.

Totally a covid-era winning lunch time bit of fun!

Home made iced latte for my birthday online lunch

I had visions of Kirsty setting off smoke alarms as she replicated Ellie's wrap cooked by popping it into the normal toaster.  But Kirsty had a secret weapon.  Toasted sandwich toaster bags.  Who knew!

Online birthday lunch!

Angie also told us about her exploding watermelon.  Sat fermenting in the fruit bowl for a bit and then Rob touched it lightly with the new fruit (banana!) and it exploded.  Spat its watery contents up the wall and in the fruit bowl.


Straight after work I chatted to my Mum and sister Karen for a while.  Dad was there too so we all caught up with each other's news.  Grandmama passed away the day before so Dad is feeling that a lot.  Mum is also upset and they are working through it all.

After work Mike  and I headed into town at 7.15pm and went to Atlas.  We were early for our reservation (7.45) but Sally also arrived.  Andrew wasn't too far away either.  The food was superb.

Atlas was good!

We all enjoyed our meal at Atlas

I got some presents too.  I was so astonished that Andrew made time in his hectic day and got little things that meant something to me.  They know me well.  Lewis Road iced coffee.  Cheeses.  Crackers.  An Orangina substitute (hahahah - that was a memory from our French trips where I loved that drink!).

Thank you.  

Mike also got an awesome present for me too.  Indian vegetarian cooking course.  4 evenings.  And I get to do it with Sally (or Andrew or Mike - whoever is free on the night).  Can't wait!

Birthday flower

Day after birthday is turning on the magic weather

Got home quite late and it was rudely too early when my alarm went off at 5.30am.  Off to the gym.  Then to work where our doors are not working properly.  And I can't get my locker to open.  So no shower for me.

Turns out Andrew is also pretty sick.  No sign of it for me or Mike.  So we hope it wasn't the food at Atlas - but maybe the leftovers he had from home that he didn't reheat as Sally was expecting.  Hmmm.

Anyway.  It's my unbirthday.  Almost as good.  Right?

Have a great day.



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