Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Monday back at work


Worked from home on Monday. Was there to get the grocery delivery - woot! And it has all the Fancy Feast flavours. So every day I will try a different one to see if Smudge can be enticed by anything else. She turns her nose up at everything right now. Lucky she likes the kibble.

Got all the Fancy Feast flavours

Chicken pate was a hard no

Mike got home and we had tea. Then I convinced him we should have a bath and warm up lots. That worked a charm. Chatted away. Heard all about his fire extinguisher course. Did you know you should approach a fire from 2m out and walk towards it, low, while sweeping the extinguisher at the fire? Did you know house fires have been caused by people taking hot dry washing out of a drier and letting it sit in a pile, and the smouldering clothes catch fire and burn the house down?  Did you know the RACE and PASS mnemonics?

It was quite the bathtime.

Slept ok. Moxley was hogging the bed. I think I did gymnastics in my sleep. 

Up for bike ride in and PT session with Quentin. 80 push ups. Plus 57kg squats. 3 reps x 4 sets. My arms are like wet noodles.

Busy at work. But at least the sun has come out.

Enjoy your day!



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