Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Tuesday with work


Got wet riding to work yesterday. Went to gym with Quentin and did deads. 75kg 5 reps x 4 sets. Then when I was wandering back to work for my busy morning of meetings, I decided I needed an iced latte more than anything else.

Morning French Kiss iced latte

This meant when I sat at my desk again after the gym, it was already 8.15am and so close to my first meeting that I decided to delay my shower for a bit.

Readers. I delayed my shower quite a bit. 

I went for a walk with Mike at lunch instead of having a shower.

And realised I had reached peak efficiency when at  5pm I did not need to change to my bike gear to ride home. Switched my shoes and I was off, riding up the hill. And although there was the odd spit of rain on my ride home, I did not get wet.

Got tea ready - but had to wait for Mike to bring home the burger buns I bought during the day. Buns would not survive the pannier bag home easily. And Mike was waylaid by so many people chatting to him. But he got home eventually and we had a lovely dinner. I had made guacamole so Mike was very happy.

Off to bed not long after. Mike chatted to his mother for a while. And then sleep. Up for an online session with Quentin this morning in the garage gym. 120 push ups and 35kg bench. I did 5 reps x 4 sets and it felt pretty good.

I did have to extract a splinter in the middle of my push up set. Mike sawed up some wood and there are tiny pieces of wood all over the gym floor. I swept up before continuing. But now I see (ok - now I am back in the house and wearing glasses!) there is something left behind in my hand. Tweezers did not work. Might need an operation! Hahah.

Have a great day!



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