Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The weekend with the kings birthday and covid


Is it really covid 19 when we are in 2024? Anyway - Thursday night I did a test and turns out I have covid. Luckily it seems a light touch of it. Only a scratchy throat, slightly dribbly nose and not a lot else.

Moxley keeping me company


Love how she sleeps

Smudge comes over too

Got my medal board up

Went for a walk in my new tramping boots

See Mike running?

And tbh, this was the best timing ever. Nothing planned for Kings Birthday. So I stayed home and watched a lot of movies. Most of the movies were terrible. Hahah.

Mike got a lot done around the house. He picked up a projector and a bike box from Roanne. But as he drove into the garage, the radiator was spraying out water and glycol. Not good. It is booked in to see Raj this week. 

Mike got the projector ready for his talk on Wed night. He also prepped his content for it. And went out with Andrew (they got back from Aus!) to buy a drill and put my punching bag up. Sweet!

Quentin is sick too (not from me - I have not seen him for a few weeks!) so Mike did online with him yesterday and I went up to the garage this morning to do a session. 40kg squats. 5 reps x 4 sets. And hip thrusts. And other accessories.

Working from home. But I hope I test negative so I can go to Mike's talk on Great Walks this Wed night.

Have a great week.



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