Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Wednesday with Mike's amazing talk on great walks


I tested negative - yay! So after work I went up the Te Ahumairagi hill, following our covid walk (the irony!). 

Day break on a stunning day


Saw the spectacular sunset over the western hills as I climbed higher and higher. Then popped over to the other side for a view of the city. Lights twinkling over the still harbour.


City by night

Maarten and Irina were there so we chatted some before Mike's group arrived.

Southern Cross looking mighty fine

Mike's Meet Up group

Then back down to Sprig and Fern for Mike's talk. Caught up with Callan and Kara there. And Mike's talk went really well. The room was packed. Some had to stand at the back! He talked for an hour on the Great Walks. Logistics. What to expect. Ideas for booking and other things to do in the region. And a quick look at the walks themselves. So good.

The room, ready to go. He fitted nearly 30 people in here somehow

Then we Ubered home and went to bed. I slept well. Up early for the first time in ages for PT with Quentin in the gym. Started with 50 push ups for the challenge. And then 70kg dead lifts. 5 reps x 4 sets. Very good. Quentin is finally much better after being pretty sick.

Thursday morning gym

Iced latte from French Kiss cart

Met Andrew on his way to work and had an iced latte. And then caught up with Roanne at work as she got a bagel for brekkie.

Will see Philippa for lunch today - first time seeing her for years! I am not sure we have seen her since covid.

Then home early because I think our premium game delivery will arrive. Best get that into the freezer.

Have a great day! It is my weekend soon. Roll on 5pm.



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