Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Tuesday where I think it should have been Wednesday and now I am confused


I took no photos. You will have to imagine my entire day yesterday through the magic of my prose. Good luck with that.

Well, as this blog post title attests, I have no clue what today actually is. I had to check it really was Wednesday because it feels like I have been at work for 4 days this week already.

So, Tuesday - what did I do? Worked from the real office. So I did interact with humans instead of cats. Had a short break for lunch so grabbed a tofu poke bowl thing from TJ Katsu. Mmmm. Delicious.

Rode home after work. The slow cooker had cooked the slightly tough steak from Premium Game to perfection. Mike and I scoffed that. Then did some planning for the months ahead. That made me socially cringe as my weekends are awfully full for the next 3 months.

And wandered off to bed eventually. Slept ok but when I woke I still felt a little sleepy. Bussed in because tonight I have a bicycle maintenance course at MyRide at 6pm. Woot! Kara is doing it with me.

Mike, Sally and Andrew are catching up tonight to plan our weekend away. And I will hopefully see them after my course.

Have a brilliant day.



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