Monday, June 24, 2024

The weekend in Wellington with lots of things happening


Friday saw me busy. I met Maureen at Margies for brekkie and caught up with her news. Then I drifted through Unity bookshop trying to avoid buying books. I did but I also have a shortlist. Hahah.

Mid haircut

Got my haircut - Jolene did a great job as usual. Headed home after that to chill and sort out the cats before our evening commitments.

Back home

Moxley wants her tea

Headed to Penthouse in Brooklyn to meet Mike before his hosting of the latest Warren Miller film. Elly picked me up and we collected Tom on our way. Phil from Mad About Travel was there at the cinema. His wife was the co host last year. The movie was fun and the two shorts after it from Arc'teryx were fun wee movies. Maven was especially good. About three quarters full in the cinema. Elly won some suspenders for ski pants.

Up for Park Run Saturday for Mike. And he did 15km in the end. I did housework and garage gym. Got to use our new barbell jack. So good! 

Barbell jack

Deads in the garage gym


Buried by cats

Mike went to help Wally shift a table in the evening and then picked up Ange's old TV she had got out of her storage unit for us. Now we need to wall mount it and we will have extra high definition.

Start of half marathon

Up Sunday to a drizzly day and off on the bus to town to see Hope in her first half marathon. She started at 9am and we went to Thunderbord cafe for brekkie. And saw Tom and John there. Tom is really tall - I guess I have not seen him for a few years now. And he said he is interested in joining the navy. Wow. Good luck to him.

Thunderbird cafe

Waiting for brekkie

John and Tom were there

Iona arrived while we were waiting for Hope to finish. She was catching the ferry back after her raranga roopu weekend. Good to see her briefly. We saw Hope finish (good time too!) and then went to Maccas for a coffee before Iona had to board.

Iona turned up

Ready for it

Home to sort out a few things. Then off to the cinema for round 2 of Warren Miller. This time though I went to see another movie. A documentary on the 1971 Womens Football world cup in Mexico. It was so good.

Great movie

One for $3 or two for $6 - hahahah

The biggest stadium audience for a womens sports match ever. Epic! Good on those women for having the skill and determination to play back then in the face of so much adversity.

I snuck into the end of the Warren Miller film. Then we had tea at the cinema cafe with Kara before we headed home.

Fell into bed. And up for a big week this week.

Hope your week is a good one.



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