Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Wednesday with working from home


Busy at work but I did manage to get a wee run in my day. 3km. It was ok. Felt hard work. But I got there in the end.

Moxley hanging on the edge

Mike was delayed coming home so tea was already to go when he stepped in. We had wild pork steaks from Premium Game. I had no idea how to cook those so I googled a recipe and they turned out quite delicious. Bit of mash. Bit of broccoli and a salad.

Luring Mike home

Listening to Toby on the chat

We chatted to Toby after tea. He was home with Tessa. He looked lovely. I miss him. We had an agenda for the family meeting. Too funny.

Off to bed and up to drive in with Mike. He is WFH to meet Lewis - who is going to look at doing the laundry. Woot! So Mike drove in and I tagged along. Squats day with Quentin. 60kg. 3 reps x 4 sets. And 100 push ups. OMG.

Mike did a run on the treadmill and then squats with Quentin. I will walk home with Barb after work today. Got my new tramping boots to try them out on the steep Te Ahumairangi hill.

Reboot my PC at work and saw my wallpaper and wished I was there

Dave and Martin for iced latte goodness at Margies

I caught up with Dave and Martin this morning for an iced latte. Chatted to them. Great fun. Lunch with Sally (from my old work) today. Yay!

Work getting in the way of my social life today. Hahahah.

Tomorrow is brekkie with Maureen and my haircut (I had to postpone that due to covid a few weeks back). Then Mike has his Warren Miller film MC work Friday night and Sunday evening. Awesome!

Have a great day! And an even better weekend,



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