Monday, June 17, 2024

The weekend with possum run


Big weekend - and it included Mike's birthday. I got in a gym session on Friday and cranked out my push ups. Phew!

Friday gym

We were packed and ready to go by 4pm. Bharat drove over to leave his car here - so we waited for him for a bit. Then headed into the traffic to collect Janine from her work. That was easy enough. She works our side of the town. But negotiating to pick up Paul was a bit harder - through town into the other side. And then up to his place to get some things he had left at home.

But not long before we were away - and the traffic out of town up SH1 was really good. So much better with these new bypass roads. The weather was pretty bad on the way up, and the wipers were smeary, but we made good time nonetheless.

Cats happy

Friday tea in Taihape

We stopped in Taihape at 7.20 or so for tea. Roast Cottage on the main road (left side heading north). My sister Karen would have loved it. I got roast veges with gravy. Others got roast meats. It was really rather delicious. Good call, Paul!

Some weird British sewing reality TV show

Into Ohakune with Mike safely driving us there about 9pm. Matt was there at Grads to settle us in. And Mike and I found a warm room and we were not too long out of bed.

Up early for Park Run in Ohakune. This was the first official park run. Mike had run it before - before it got official status. They did a wee dog leg to add the 200m needed to get to 5k.

I did the 5k in 36 mins or something. It was my first 5k run post covid so I was a little out of practise. Mike came in at 30 min and five seconds. Paul came something like 5th or 6th. And everyone else did well. The first 2.5k is slightly uphill - more than you think so it seems harder than you expect.

Post park run iced latte at Utopia Cafe in Ohakune

Loved our brekkie at Utopia cafe. And then we were off to Taupo. Found our accommodation - Camellia Court. Cheap and cheerful. $40 each for our 5 bed unit. 


The team went to register and came back to get ready. Mike was so ready for it. And it was reasonably dry - no rain for a bit despite the outlook.

He's ready

They're ready

They are all ready

All eight of them at the start

The race started at 1700. I stayed in the unit and I noticed the rain start at about 1915. Some of them copped that. They got back at 2230 and I was fast asleep. But it seemed like it was a tough race. Hilly. Slippery. Rough. Long. Did I mention long? Way longer than 21k. Mike did 23.3k, in 3½ hours. Whew!

Mike said that the medical staff had a great night, with a heap of blown ankles to keep them occupied along with sending people to hospital with all sorts of interesting and novel injuries.

The start

During - it's dark!

The end - Janine gets her medal

Into bed quickly and up for Mike's birthday. He got a t shirt from Janine (he wore it for the race. "If I collapse, stop my watch". Hahah) and a Bluetooth meat thermometer from me.

Birthday morning

Replete birthday coffee

Driving home past Peach Teats!

A quick brekkie at Replete (that is my routine) and off home. Easy drive back to town. Rain off and on. And Bharat nicely took Paul home as it was (kinda) on his way.

We unpacked and started washing and had tea. And now the week starts!

Hope your week is a good one.

Happy unbirthday Mike.


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