Monday, June 10, 2024

The weekend with chill things in Wellington


June is the month for birthdays, eh?

Mike and I caught up with Philippa on Thursday. So good to see her. I think we have seen her once maybe since the start of covid when she and Dean moved to the Wairarapa. We went to Arabica and enjoyed a cheerful lunch there - like always. Philippa is good - told her to save up for Nepal in 2026. Hahah. Learned about her peonies business. And all the renovations she has done and is doing!

Lunch with Philippa

Home made Friday iced latte

Friday saw me go get the car from Raj after its radiator was fixed. I walked down - took me about 32 minutes. 

Back to wait for Mike to get home and then picked up Tom on our way to tea with Elly at Yellow Chilli in Kelburn.

Cats pin me down

Friday light show with Elly and Tom

Very nice food there, followed by the main event: Light show in behind the old Metservice building. So busy with heaps of Wellington people out to see it.

The queue was long

And the light show starts

Mike looms in the mist

Here he comes

Lovely display


Little lasers all over the place

A huge sun background

Great view of Wellington

Peering at MetService collection instruments

I really enjoyed the displays. Good fun for the whole family. Then Tom took us back to Kelburn via the dark, glow-worm route at the back of the gardens. So lovely.

Said goodbye to Elly and Tom and headed home. Mike was up for park run. And I stayed in bed. He absolutely smashed it. PB on his watch.

Cats on me while Mike runs Park run


Garage gym

Moxley joed out

Got a garage gym session in. Finished my push ups for the day too. Big day. 123 of them I think. Did 45kg squats. 3 reps x 4 sets. Not too bad.

Sunday saw us head to see the Sampsons in their amazing new house. Saw a cat briefly. Hahah. We ate pastries and chatted away for ages. Had a tour of their house now with all their furniture in it. It is really going to set them up for years now, I reckon. So much space for them all. They all seem good! And I got a Wally iced latte special. Yay!

Home made iced latte

Wally-made iced latte

Home to chill. And watch Mike's Subaru dashboard YouTube vid. Hahah. He finally got it edited and uploaded. The reassembly video is still to come apparently. 

Great chill weekend. Hope you have a brilliant week.


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