Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Tuesday with working from home


Mike still avoids covid. And I feel pretty good, really. Yesterday - what happened? Lots of work on. Chasing things there.

Trying to lure Mike with food

Ball of cat

Grant's surprise pasta

Mike was checking the venue and route for his talk on Wednesday night. So he was a little late getting home after climbing Te Ahumairangi.

But we had pasta for tea - with Grant's Surprise. Leeks and sustainable salmon. Mmmmm.

Off to bed pretty early. But I read until midnight. Idiot. Mike slept well though. Up for PT session in the garage - but Quentin had a terrible night. So that is now at 1pm. And I slept in. Hahah.

Mike was off with an Uber and his projector for his talk and I drove the car (with as much water in the radiator as could fit - and lucky it was a very cold morning) to the Northland Motors and Raj to sort out the broken radiator. I jumped on my bike and rode back. 6 mins. Not bad.

I wore a mask as I chatted (briefly ) to Raj. And I was interested to see how I would feel doing some exercise. Felt fine. I might try something more active after I have my PT session with Quentin in the garage.

And I am doing the Push Up Challenge for mental health - an Aussie charity. From today to June 28. So don't mind me when I drop to give you ten!

Have a great day!



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