Today is a milestone day.
It was raining, I knew it was raining, and I cycled anyway.
I went past the Mighty Red Galant, in its carpark, on the way to work. A security guard was busy writing it a ticket because it didn't have its parking card showing! So I had a chat to him about it. He said it wasn't a worry, since he had lists of regos anyway - it was just a reminder. Sounds like he knew the Mighty Red Galant well ("that's funny, it's usually parked over there"). It does have a certain charm, doesn't it.
I'll bet Andrew walked straight into a Crisis so never got back to put the parking card in.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Good morning on Thurs, Apr 30
Well, it is all go in the Gilbert household - however one of my "go" things has gone. I don't have my user group meeting tonight after work. So I'll head home at normal time to get wee Toby (biking hopefully despite the weather) and I'll be ready for table tennis at 1915 with Mum.
Mike on the other hand has more to do than he thought. His release yesterday was rolled back (uh oh) and they have fixed the problem and it is scheduled for this afternoon now. It doesn't have much to do with Mike directly but he knows how everything hangs together and I think he gives everyone confidence as they can turn to him in a panic and Mike can take control. My hero!
We seem to have grabbed less gear for the tramp this weekend that we meant to and we now need to figure out how to get fly poles and a first aid kit (mine and Toby's gear allocation). Mike is contacting the trip leader to determine if we've ended up creating havoc or if it is redeemable somehow. It is going to be a very wet tramp. I'll be surprised if we cross any rivers as the rain has been hard for about 5 days now.
We're also on a budget for the next few pays. The building work and insurance bills have snaffled all our money (Mike's budget is looking dire). So we're living on rice for the next month. Lucky I like rice. Lucky we have a lot of rice.
That's about it. Have a great day. I need a cup of tea.
Well, it is all go in the Gilbert household - however one of my "go" things has gone. I don't have my user group meeting tonight after work. So I'll head home at normal time to get wee Toby (biking hopefully despite the weather) and I'll be ready for table tennis at 1915 with Mum.
Mike on the other hand has more to do than he thought. His release yesterday was rolled back (uh oh) and they have fixed the problem and it is scheduled for this afternoon now. It doesn't have much to do with Mike directly but he knows how everything hangs together and I think he gives everyone confidence as they can turn to him in a panic and Mike can take control. My hero!
We seem to have grabbed less gear for the tramp this weekend that we meant to and we now need to figure out how to get fly poles and a first aid kit (mine and Toby's gear allocation). Mike is contacting the trip leader to determine if we've ended up creating havoc or if it is redeemable somehow. It is going to be a very wet tramp. I'll be surprised if we cross any rivers as the rain has been hard for about 5 days now.
We're also on a budget for the next few pays. The building work and insurance bills have snaffled all our money (Mike's budget is looking dire). So we're living on rice for the next month. Lucky I like rice. Lucky we have a lot of rice.
That's about it. Have a great day. I need a cup of tea.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Good morning on Wed, Apr 29
April is almost done and dusted. The year is flying by. We had a good release last night - the two updates were finished by 1815. That's almost a record for our releases.
Mike's boss asked me to join them for dinner last night so despite our early release we were home late. Dad just flew back into Wellington (from a training session in Auckland where I think the highlight was the food!) as we headed home too. So it was perfect timing. Ma has a sore back however and can hardly move. I hope that gets better soon.
Wilf the builder has finished the hole where our wardrobe will go. The bedroom feels so much bigger. I can stand in the wardrobe space and our bed is not within touching distance. So now we need the plasterer and we can paint it and get the sparky to put power in there. Then I think the wardrobe doors will get fitted and then soon after that we'll get the inside fitted. Hooray!
I'd better get stuck into work. I have checked the releases once more (you can never be too sure) and everything looks great. Time to start building some new bits.
April is almost done and dusted. The year is flying by. We had a good release last night - the two updates were finished by 1815. That's almost a record for our releases.
Mike's boss asked me to join them for dinner last night so despite our early release we were home late. Dad just flew back into Wellington (from a training session in Auckland where I think the highlight was the food!) as we headed home too. So it was perfect timing. Ma has a sore back however and can hardly move. I hope that gets better soon.
Wilf the builder has finished the hole where our wardrobe will go. The bedroom feels so much bigger. I can stand in the wardrobe space and our bed is not within touching distance. So now we need the plasterer and we can paint it and get the sparky to put power in there. Then I think the wardrobe doors will get fitted and then soon after that we'll get the inside fitted. Hooray!
I'd better get stuck into work. I have checked the releases once more (you can never be too sure) and everything looks great. Time to start building some new bits.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
How the penguin found a friend (a short story)

This penguin called Yappiyoo found a puffle, Noopinoo as a friend. He didn't have any friends before. They were just walking past each other and they said, 'Hello!'. They wanted to find more puffle friends, so they went out onto an ice floe. They fell off into the water!

Luckily they survived because Rockhopper saved them when they had almost drowned. Rockhopper
was a very nice penguin pirate. He was very happy because he had lots of people on his ship. So he helped Yappiyoo. They went to the nightclub to do some DJ. They made some songs at the nightclub. Rock and roll songs, rap songs, and DJ songs. And then they went to the petshop to buy some more puffle friends. There was a white one called Punnapunna, and a black one called Scapie, and the most famous one of all was a yellow one called Artistic Man. There was even a green one called Mohipahi.

The End.

Good morning on Tues, Apr 28
Release night tonight. But that does mean I had a nice morning with Toby and dropped him off at school. His ice cream container is full of emergency food and has his label on it. The PTA decided each family would supply their own emergency kit for the kids. Toby has chocolate, muesli bars, apple puree, beef jerky, milk and hand sanitiser. Heheheheh.
I was impressed at the public health message Toby got at school. He was told about spreading germs and knew to wash his hands often, stay home if he's sick and be careful touching things when he's got germs. All good messages as swine flu spreads and the media make headlines like "Outbreak" - today's Dom Post.
Mum will collect wee Toby tonight as Mike's boss is down for a day or so and Mike has to catch up with him after hours. And I have the release of course. Two of them in fact (but one I have hardly any work involved so I should be able to concentrate on the other one). The mince is defrosting in the fridge and the bread is cooking and should be ready by 5pm. Yum!
Nothing much else to report on. Tomorrow is karate evening so I'll put the slow cooker on tomorrow morning and we'll be able to eat when we get home. Tramping club tomorrow too so I guess Mike will go so I can go tramping on - Mother's Day! How did that happen? No pampering this Mothers Day for me.
Have a great day! I heard from Sally and it is frantic at MoH but hopefully it'll abate soon enough. Abate, I guess, or ramp up! Heheheheh.
Release night tonight. But that does mean I had a nice morning with Toby and dropped him off at school. His ice cream container is full of emergency food and has his label on it. The PTA decided each family would supply their own emergency kit for the kids. Toby has chocolate, muesli bars, apple puree, beef jerky, milk and hand sanitiser. Heheheheh.
I was impressed at the public health message Toby got at school. He was told about spreading germs and knew to wash his hands often, stay home if he's sick and be careful touching things when he's got germs. All good messages as swine flu spreads and the media make headlines like "Outbreak" - today's Dom Post.
Mum will collect wee Toby tonight as Mike's boss is down for a day or so and Mike has to catch up with him after hours. And I have the release of course. Two of them in fact (but one I have hardly any work involved so I should be able to concentrate on the other one). The mince is defrosting in the fridge and the bread is cooking and should be ready by 5pm. Yum!
Nothing much else to report on. Tomorrow is karate evening so I'll put the slow cooker on tomorrow morning and we'll be able to eat when we get home. Tramping club tomorrow too so I guess Mike will go so I can go tramping on - Mother's Day! How did that happen? No pampering this Mothers Day for me.
Have a great day! I heard from Sally and it is frantic at MoH but hopefully it'll abate soon enough. Abate, I guess, or ramp up! Heheheheh.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Good morning on Mon, Apr 27
We had a great weekend. Friday night we went around to Vivienne and John's place for dinner and ate a great meal. My mother had a ball and kept talking about her social whirlwind weekend (4 nights out in a row!). She loved the food she got served at Vivienne's and Sally's and is already planning her own meal to have people around (once she gets her dining table delivered of course).
So, Friday night was great fun. Toby spent the first 30 mins hiding from Ramble (Ramble was particularly bouncy at the start) and then hugged him by the time we were leaving. Dinner was yummy. The conversation was great. It was a late night for wee Toby though. But he was happy enough.
Saturday was a birthday party at Laserstrike in Lower Hutt. I took Toby out there and scooted off to tea and breakfast with Aidan (Duncan and Emerson's mother). Then we headed back to the party venue and Aidan worked on her laptop while I read her book. After the two games of Laserstrike and ten pin bowling we were off home. Mike and his mother had been busy at work in the house and garden. I helped off and on with things. Then Saturday night we were off to Sally and Andrew's place for a superb dinner. With brazier burning too. Toby played in the garden before dinner with Anthony and shooting and guns had a high profile (curse you, Laserstrike). Heheheheh.
Sunday we got up early and dropped Mike's mother off at the airport. We got breakfast for Toby (had an argument with him over his spoiled nature as he complained bitterly about the toy he got from Maccas as he already had it) and went back home. We were going to see Lifeflight's open day but lethargy set in and Mike and I fell asleep in the morning. Oops. Aidan texted me and said it was a good call to stay home as the weather was wet, wet, wet.
Sunday afternoon Mum came around for dinner (I had put the slow cooker on for a yummy beef stew - it is the weather for it) and Dad popped in after work and ate his dinner. Early to bed for everyone and a bus ride in this morning.
The news this morning indicates swine flu has arrived in New Zealand so I expect never to hear from Sally this week. I hope all their planning for these sorts of eventualities works out for them.
Have a great week!
We had a great weekend. Friday night we went around to Vivienne and John's place for dinner and ate a great meal. My mother had a ball and kept talking about her social whirlwind weekend (4 nights out in a row!). She loved the food she got served at Vivienne's and Sally's and is already planning her own meal to have people around (once she gets her dining table delivered of course).
So, Friday night was great fun. Toby spent the first 30 mins hiding from Ramble (Ramble was particularly bouncy at the start) and then hugged him by the time we were leaving. Dinner was yummy. The conversation was great. It was a late night for wee Toby though. But he was happy enough.
Saturday was a birthday party at Laserstrike in Lower Hutt. I took Toby out there and scooted off to tea and breakfast with Aidan (Duncan and Emerson's mother). Then we headed back to the party venue and Aidan worked on her laptop while I read her book. After the two games of Laserstrike and ten pin bowling we were off home. Mike and his mother had been busy at work in the house and garden. I helped off and on with things. Then Saturday night we were off to Sally and Andrew's place for a superb dinner. With brazier burning too. Toby played in the garden before dinner with Anthony and shooting and guns had a high profile (curse you, Laserstrike). Heheheheh.
Sunday we got up early and dropped Mike's mother off at the airport. We got breakfast for Toby (had an argument with him over his spoiled nature as he complained bitterly about the toy he got from Maccas as he already had it) and went back home. We were going to see Lifeflight's open day but lethargy set in and Mike and I fell asleep in the morning. Oops. Aidan texted me and said it was a good call to stay home as the weather was wet, wet, wet.
Sunday afternoon Mum came around for dinner (I had put the slow cooker on for a yummy beef stew - it is the weather for it) and Dad popped in after work and ate his dinner. Early to bed for everyone and a bus ride in this morning.
The news this morning indicates swine flu has arrived in New Zealand so I expect never to hear from Sally this week. I hope all their planning for these sorts of eventualities works out for them.
Have a great week!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Good morning on Friday (yippee), Apr 24
Thank goodness it's Friday. Hooray. Table tennis was good fun last night - loads of new people and I am no longer the worse one there. Mum is about 75% fit and fighting off the remnants of the cold I generously gave her. But she still had fun. Dad has been a bit sick too with a touch of a cold and earache. Ouch!
Toby has a movie excursion with Skids today. Should be fun for him. Mike's mother is off to meet Benjamin and head back to his place with him (I think that is the plan). I'll ride home at the end of the day to get Toby and my mother and meet at Chez Lewis for dinner. Yummo! Toby is looking forward to seeing Ramble - sorry Benjamin! I expect Toby will be unsure about Ramble anyway.
Mike has a night out with some friends from his last work at NZDF tonight. The weekend has a few things in store. Toby has a birthday party to attend (Laserstrike - where 15 six year old boys run around shooting each other - should be chaotic) and I'll catch up with Aidan T for a nice cup of tea. Ummmm. If cafes are shut, I may be heading around to Sally and Andrew's house for a nice cup of tea. ANZAC Day means things aren't open till the afternoon. So, maybe 10.30 for morning tea? I'll have to chat to Sally. And, we have gib to put up, batts to stuff in and what not. Mike's mother flies back to Dunedin some time on Sunday and Lifeflight have an Open Day (rescue helicopters - with sniffer dogs and all sorts of exciting demos) the same day near the airport.
I'll be looking forward to Monday for some relief from that lot.
Have a great day and enjoy your weekend.
Thank goodness it's Friday. Hooray. Table tennis was good fun last night - loads of new people and I am no longer the worse one there. Mum is about 75% fit and fighting off the remnants of the cold I generously gave her. But she still had fun. Dad has been a bit sick too with a touch of a cold and earache. Ouch!
Toby has a movie excursion with Skids today. Should be fun for him. Mike's mother is off to meet Benjamin and head back to his place with him (I think that is the plan). I'll ride home at the end of the day to get Toby and my mother and meet at Chez Lewis for dinner. Yummo! Toby is looking forward to seeing Ramble - sorry Benjamin! I expect Toby will be unsure about Ramble anyway.
Mike has a night out with some friends from his last work at NZDF tonight. The weekend has a few things in store. Toby has a birthday party to attend (Laserstrike - where 15 six year old boys run around shooting each other - should be chaotic) and I'll catch up with Aidan T for a nice cup of tea. Ummmm. If cafes are shut, I may be heading around to Sally and Andrew's house for a nice cup of tea. ANZAC Day means things aren't open till the afternoon. So, maybe 10.30 for morning tea? I'll have to chat to Sally. And, we have gib to put up, batts to stuff in and what not. Mike's mother flies back to Dunedin some time on Sunday and Lifeflight have an Open Day (rescue helicopters - with sniffer dogs and all sorts of exciting demos) the same day near the airport.
I'll be looking forward to Monday for some relief from that lot.
Have a great day and enjoy your weekend.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Good morning on Thurs, Apr 23
Friday cannot come soon enough - I think I still expect 4 day weeks at the moment. Today is not as cold as yesterday as it is a little overcast. There were wee drops of rain on the way in on the bike but I got over 50 km/h on the way down the hill so conditions must have been very good.
Last night we made spaghetti bolognese despite having it the night before at Julie and Gareth's house. It was yummy as usual. Mike's Mum had a good day. She went out for a walk in her work clothes (our garden looks great!!) not expecting to meet anyone she knows. When outside the cafe in Wadestown she met Ferrida's mother (from Dunedin, but all the Curwoods live up here now - and Ferrida's sister owns the Wadestown Cafe). I thought it just shows how small New Zealand is!
Toby has a day off from school holiday programme as Zoe has invited him over to play. He'll stay at home until lunch time and then head off to her house... I must remember to ring Skids and say Toby will not be in today.
Home made pizzas for dinner tonight! Maybe we need more ingredients? We certainly need more fruit. That's all gone. Must get some feijoas from Sally and Andrew's house before they all get made into chutney!
Have a great day!
Friday cannot come soon enough - I think I still expect 4 day weeks at the moment. Today is not as cold as yesterday as it is a little overcast. There were wee drops of rain on the way in on the bike but I got over 50 km/h on the way down the hill so conditions must have been very good.
Last night we made spaghetti bolognese despite having it the night before at Julie and Gareth's house. It was yummy as usual. Mike's Mum had a good day. She went out for a walk in her work clothes (our garden looks great!!) not expecting to meet anyone she knows. When outside the cafe in Wadestown she met Ferrida's mother (from Dunedin, but all the Curwoods live up here now - and Ferrida's sister owns the Wadestown Cafe). I thought it just shows how small New Zealand is!
Toby has a day off from school holiday programme as Zoe has invited him over to play. He'll stay at home until lunch time and then head off to her house... I must remember to ring Skids and say Toby will not be in today.
Home made pizzas for dinner tonight! Maybe we need more ingredients? We certainly need more fruit. That's all gone. Must get some feijoas from Sally and Andrew's house before they all get made into chutney!
Have a great day!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Good morning on Wed, Apr 22
Toby had a great day yesterday playing with Gracie and her brother Ashwin. Julie (their mother) said "We didn't really lose Toby" and it turns out that they went to a river to feed bacon to some eels and Toby clambered up the bank, over a fence and was told to wait there while everyone else caught up. Then Toby crossed the river and went back to the place they were visiting (using all his tramping skills to wade through the river - which I think must have been a stream). I think a wee panic ensued when Toby wasn't where they thought he would be. Toby's brand new shoes were soaked!
Mike and I went to Julie and Gareth's house for dinner - very yummy spaghetti bolognese. Toby played like mad with the kids and didn't want to leave. Julie's Dad was visiting and said Toby was a very nice boy and played beautifully with his grandchildren. I was very proud of him.
It is a cold morning here. I made Mike get up and ride in with me. Mike's mother will drop wee Toby off at Skids this morning after a sleep in. Toby had a late night so he needed a sleep in I think. Mike and my fingers were frozen when we got in. Brrrrr. But it is a glorious day. No wind, no cloud.
Have a marvellous day!
Toby had a great day yesterday playing with Gracie and her brother Ashwin. Julie (their mother) said "We didn't really lose Toby" and it turns out that they went to a river to feed bacon to some eels and Toby clambered up the bank, over a fence and was told to wait there while everyone else caught up. Then Toby crossed the river and went back to the place they were visiting (using all his tramping skills to wade through the river - which I think must have been a stream). I think a wee panic ensued when Toby wasn't where they thought he would be. Toby's brand new shoes were soaked!
Mike and I went to Julie and Gareth's house for dinner - very yummy spaghetti bolognese. Toby played like mad with the kids and didn't want to leave. Julie's Dad was visiting and said Toby was a very nice boy and played beautifully with his grandchildren. I was very proud of him.
It is a cold morning here. I made Mike get up and ride in with me. Mike's mother will drop wee Toby off at Skids this morning after a sleep in. Toby had a late night so he needed a sleep in I think. Mike and my fingers were frozen when we got in. Brrrrr. But it is a glorious day. No wind, no cloud.
Have a marvellous day!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Good afternoon on Tues, Apr 21
Yes - I have been busy today. Dad reminded me and here it is. Wee Toby is off and about with Gracie, Ashwin and their Mum. Mike and I are off to collect him after work in Island Bay (where they live) after the day playing with Gracie and her brother. Gracie and Toby met at Pipitea daycare and they were good friends during Gracie's time there (she's a few months older than Toby and left before he did to go to school).
We have a heat pump! Hooray. And it is toastie pie warm in our lounge. Makes the other rooms seem freezing! Heheheh. Mum and Dad got their two in happily too. Well done to Dad for organising it. Just in time for the coldest day this year so far yesterday!
Not too much to report, really. Same old stuff. All jogging along. Mike's mother is keeping busy with Toby retrievals from the school holiday programme and trying to sort out catching up with everyone. She's tidied up after the workmen yesterday so it all looked good for our arrival to see the new heat pump in action.
Toby enjoyed the school holiday programme yesterday after a wee fuss getting up for it on Monday morning. He went ten pin bowling and to Te Papa. He loved it!
Hope the afternoon treats you all well.
Yes - I have been busy today. Dad reminded me and here it is. Wee Toby is off and about with Gracie, Ashwin and their Mum. Mike and I are off to collect him after work in Island Bay (where they live) after the day playing with Gracie and her brother. Gracie and Toby met at Pipitea daycare and they were good friends during Gracie's time there (she's a few months older than Toby and left before he did to go to school).
We have a heat pump! Hooray. And it is toastie pie warm in our lounge. Makes the other rooms seem freezing! Heheheh. Mum and Dad got their two in happily too. Well done to Dad for organising it. Just in time for the coldest day this year so far yesterday!
Not too much to report, really. Same old stuff. All jogging along. Mike's mother is keeping busy with Toby retrievals from the school holiday programme and trying to sort out catching up with everyone. She's tidied up after the workmen yesterday so it all looked good for our arrival to see the new heat pump in action.
Toby enjoyed the school holiday programme yesterday after a wee fuss getting up for it on Monday morning. He went ten pin bowling and to Te Papa. He loved it!
Hope the afternoon treats you all well.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Good morning on Mon, Apr 20
My weekend was too short! I guess that's what happens when you have so many short weeks in a row. A normal weekend is too short after all that!
The highlight of the weekend was definitely Toby coming home. Toby and Mike's mother arrived at 12.45pm on Sunday and we went to collect them. I got lots of hugs from Toby. So did Dad!
We got quite a lot of our tasks done. The wardrobe is gutted and ready for heat pump man! Mum's one is already getting installed. Apparently they should be ready about midday to start at our place.
Toby wasn't keen when he got up to be heading off to the school holiday programme. But he was pretty keen by the time he had breakfast. They are off ten pin bowling and to Te Papa museum today. Good weather for it too - it is raining!
So, home for home made burgers tonight. My cold is almost entirely gone. I only cough if I exercise hard at the moment.
Have a wonderful week.
My weekend was too short! I guess that's what happens when you have so many short weeks in a row. A normal weekend is too short after all that!
The highlight of the weekend was definitely Toby coming home. Toby and Mike's mother arrived at 12.45pm on Sunday and we went to collect them. I got lots of hugs from Toby. So did Dad!
We got quite a lot of our tasks done. The wardrobe is gutted and ready for heat pump man! Mum's one is already getting installed. Apparently they should be ready about midday to start at our place.
Toby wasn't keen when he got up to be heading off to the school holiday programme. But he was pretty keen by the time he had breakfast. They are off ten pin bowling and to Te Papa museum today. Good weather for it too - it is raining!
So, home for home made burgers tonight. My cold is almost entirely gone. I only cough if I exercise hard at the moment.
Have a wonderful week.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tramping to Top Maropea Hut, March 20 - photos
Here are some photos from a tramp in the Ruahines I did last month.
This was a great tramp, past Sunrise Hut - we need to take Toby to Sunrise Hut one weekend. On the second day we bush bashed down a ridge, it took a week or two for all the cuts and bruises on my legs to heal!
This was a great tramp, past Sunrise Hut - we need to take Toby to Sunrise Hut one weekend. On the second day we bush bashed down a ridge, it took a week or two for all the cuts and bruises on my legs to heal!
Good morning on Fri, Apr 17
The release went well last night but took a little longer than anticipated due to unforeseen (and nothing to do with us) problems. All lessons to be learned...
We heard that Toby was going to see Monsters V Aliens yesterday with his grandparents. I hope that was a successful outing for them. Tyler and Abby are going to see it this weekend. They can all compare notes next time they chat to each other.
The weekend starts today! Hooray! We do have an unusually long list of tasks for the weekend. But the weather is supposed to be nice for it.
We rode our bikes in this morning for the first time since I got this bad cold. It wasn't too bad. A few coughs after I got in but nothing like it was. The ride home will be the reckoning though. A slow ride up in bottom gear seems the best bet.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Have fun!
The release went well last night but took a little longer than anticipated due to unforeseen (and nothing to do with us) problems. All lessons to be learned...
We heard that Toby was going to see Monsters V Aliens yesterday with his grandparents. I hope that was a successful outing for them. Tyler and Abby are going to see it this weekend. They can all compare notes next time they chat to each other.
The weekend starts today! Hooray! We do have an unusually long list of tasks for the weekend. But the weather is supposed to be nice for it.
We rode our bikes in this morning for the first time since I got this bad cold. It wasn't too bad. A few coughs after I got in but nothing like it was. The ride home will be the reckoning though. A slow ride up in bottom gear seems the best bet.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Have fun!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Good morning on Thurs, Apr 16
Mike and I caught up with Toby after work yesterday. Mike rang him and chatted. They had been to the library, but Toby was told by the librarian that he could only get one Calvin and Hobbes book out as the children love them too much. So he had to put two others back. Heheheheh. I hope he likes it as we have quite a few of them at home. It sounds like he is still having lots of fun down there.
Mike and I went out for dinner with a work colleague, Joe. We went to Wagamama and had a nice meal looking out over the harbour. Then Mike and I walked back to the tramping club meeting.
We have put our names down for the May 1/2 tramp to Paua Hut. Should be good fun - I hope the weather is ok for it. Mike is now an official member. Good on him. I need to get two more tramps in. Mike is tempted to do their snowcraft course. It teaches trampers how to travel through snow and what to look out for. I think he should do that!
I have a release tonight for work. It is a smallish one so it should all go very well. It'll keep me at work for an extra hour or two.
Have a marvellous day!
Mike and I caught up with Toby after work yesterday. Mike rang him and chatted. They had been to the library, but Toby was told by the librarian that he could only get one Calvin and Hobbes book out as the children love them too much. So he had to put two others back. Heheheheh. I hope he likes it as we have quite a few of them at home. It sounds like he is still having lots of fun down there.
Mike and I went out for dinner with a work colleague, Joe. We went to Wagamama and had a nice meal looking out over the harbour. Then Mike and I walked back to the tramping club meeting.
We have put our names down for the May 1/2 tramp to Paua Hut. Should be good fun - I hope the weather is ok for it. Mike is now an official member. Good on him. I need to get two more tramps in. Mike is tempted to do their snowcraft course. It teaches trampers how to travel through snow and what to look out for. I think he should do that!
I have a release tonight for work. It is a smallish one so it should all go very well. It'll keep me at work for an extra hour or two.
Have a marvellous day!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Good morning on Wed, Apr 15
What a lovely day here in Wellington. I might be getting close to the end of my cold. Vivienne dropped by last night to collect the fruit for jam. Hopefully the jam comes out well and it keeps the Lewis pantry stocked for a while.
Mike and I did tidy up the house last night. It isn't too bad. I'll make sure Toby's room is looking good for his arrival.
The wardrobe man came to look at our needs this morning. I think he realised the depth of our need when he opened my wardrobe door and the cartons holding my clothes were leaned way over. We might get the quote by the weekend if we're lucky.
Our heat pump goes in on Monday so we need to strip the gib from the wall in our bedroom and in the wardrobe. How exciting. Our weekend task - along with taking delivery of the heat pump on Saturday.
That's it really. Tramping club meeting tonight (I want to put our name down for the May 1/2 weekend for the tramp to Paua Hut again) and I may get dinner out if I may my cards right.
Toby seems to be enjoying his holiday in Dunedin. I have no idea what they have planned for him today. Yesterday involved backyard golf with Nana and a trip to the Book Bus to get a stack of books to read. There was mention of a bus trip into town too for the afternoon - I wonder if they did that.
I hope everyone has a great day. I need a cup of tea.
What a lovely day here in Wellington. I might be getting close to the end of my cold. Vivienne dropped by last night to collect the fruit for jam. Hopefully the jam comes out well and it keeps the Lewis pantry stocked for a while.
Mike and I did tidy up the house last night. It isn't too bad. I'll make sure Toby's room is looking good for his arrival.
The wardrobe man came to look at our needs this morning. I think he realised the depth of our need when he opened my wardrobe door and the cartons holding my clothes were leaned way over. We might get the quote by the weekend if we're lucky.
Our heat pump goes in on Monday so we need to strip the gib from the wall in our bedroom and in the wardrobe. How exciting. Our weekend task - along with taking delivery of the heat pump on Saturday.
That's it really. Tramping club meeting tonight (I want to put our name down for the May 1/2 weekend for the tramp to Paua Hut again) and I may get dinner out if I may my cards right.
Toby seems to be enjoying his holiday in Dunedin. I have no idea what they have planned for him today. Yesterday involved backyard golf with Nana and a trip to the Book Bus to get a stack of books to read. There was mention of a bus trip into town too for the afternoon - I wonder if they did that.
I hope everyone has a great day. I need a cup of tea.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Good afternoon - and the Easter update
Hi again!
Here's the Easter blog for you...
On Wednesday, we were all ready for the 1900 sailing with plans to collect Toby from After School Care and head to the dock with plenty of time for the 1800 booking in time. I thought I should do a last minute check of the booking form, just in case. Lucky I did. Turned out I had booked Picton to Wellington for today, and Monday was Wellington to Picton. Oh dear. Mike jumped on the phone and talked to BlueBridge and we got on the 3am Thursday morning sailing. Mike spent the rest of the afternoon alternating between chortling at my booking error and saying it was for the best anyway.
So, we collected Toby and went home to bed instead. I think I managed about 4 hours sleep or so and Toby a few more than that and Mike about the same as me. Toby was very excited to be up at 1am and he was a box of birds all the way down to the dock and in the queue. By the time we found a place to sleep on board, Toby was very excited and chattered for ages before falling into a coma. Mike and Toby got about 3 hours sleep on board the boat. Not too bad at all.
We left the ferry at about 6.30am and headed straight to Blenheim for McDonalds for breakfast. Mike professed dissatisfaction with his odd pancakes but Toby and I were happy with our fare.
After filling with petrol we were off down SH1 towards Kaikoura. A cold southerly had just swept up the South Island the day before and we drove into the tail of it. All the hills all the way down had decent skiffs of snow on them. The waves were still battering the rocky coast around Kaikoura and Toby and I had great fun looking for seals and whales. Toby was sure a rock with waves breaking over it was a whale until we got closer. No surfers were about at Mangamanu. Too bitter. The views were spectacular. Sunlight was breaking through in areas and shining on white peaks along the coast.
SH1 turns inland south after Kaikoura and we hurtled through to Amberley where we headed even further inland on SH72. We fell off SH72 briefly due to a detour that steered us wrong around Woddington. Lunch at Geraldine and back on the road to Dunback. I think we arrived around 1630 to a cold wind but lots of sun. The traffic had been fine and we all felt tired but happy to have arrived. We ate tea and fell into a coma in bed.
Next morning was fine and we went for a walk to the swing bridge and checked out the dairy. Just to make sure everything was still in working order in Dunback, you understand. We passed this day playing soccer in the front yard and reading in the sun. Toby crept through the bushes out the back and climbed the neighbours fence and got some grapes from the next-door neighbour for his adventure. The grapes were plump, round, juicy globules of yum and from their own vine. Oddly I was the only one that liked them and ate the whole bunch barring taste tests from others. Mike spent this day catching up on much needed sleep and his body was glued to the couch all day.
Saturday was another fine day, although not quite a nice as Friday with a bit of wind and cloudier skies. But we took off after lunch to visit Macraes goldmine where we were all amazed at the scale of the open pit. Toby was disappointed that it didn't resemble any goldmine he'd seen on television with gold-bearing carts running on rails through a myriad of tunnels. Never mind. We went into the Macraes township and saw a lovely new Aston Martin pull up. Out
hopped (we now believe) Michael Hill with his son and they went off to view his son's new artwork on the skyline - a beautiful rendition of a Haast Eagle.
Ron then drove us from there to see a skink research enclosure in the hills behind Dunback and then to my personal highlight - an archaeological site with cherds all over the ground from flint knappers hunting moa! How exciting. We then drove up to Lot's Wife (a pillar of rock on a hill) and then had an exciting 4WD drive back out to the main road to Dunback. Toby was very excited to get out and walk down a steep section while his Granddad negotiated the washout. He looked like he was panning for gold in the creek at the bottom and got very muddy. I think the van will still have mud marks in it!
Sunday saw us off to church for the 10am service in Palmerston. Toby enjoyed it and perhaps he thinks all church services give out chocolates as he got two Easter eggs during the service. He got to draw some angels during the sermon and was quite chuffed they got shown to the whole congregation afterwards. The 4 or 5 children also got to look at miniature ponies grazing in the churchyard and I saw Toby bravely patting a pony despite warnings one of them nipped from
time to time. How brave!
After lunch we went to roll our eggs down a hill so we could tuck into the chocolate. Yummo! Toby reached his chocolate limit quite quickly I thought. Toby found a new game on his DS Lite that met with approval from his grandparents and Toby gets lots of gametime. It is one where Toby is a zoo vet and diagnoses animal health problems. He has to take temperatures, respiration, give injections and even pull out teeth. We managed to prise the DS out of Toby's hands to go and gather fruit for Aunty Vivienne with his grandparents. We filled buckets and boxes with apples and crabapples. Hopefully the jam will be good and supply the Lewises till next fruit season. That evening Mike and I went for a walk and enjoyed the still evening. Not a breathe of wind. I seemed to repeat that sentence quite a bit over the weekend and Mike's response was always "That's normal for everywhere apart from Wellington". Heheheheh.
Monday morning we were up for an early departure. 7am Mike and I were on the road. We had a good drive up and we were about 3 hours early for the ferry. I think we got to Picton at 1500 after a short stop for about 20 minutes in Geraldine. The ferry crossing was easy and we chatted to returning WTMC punters coming back after 4 day tramps. They were tired and we were still quite fresh even after our 8 hour drive. We did crash into bed at 2300 though and enjoyed our own bed. Sleeping in your own bed after being away is always a welcome change.
So, wee Toby is enjoying his grandparents' hospitality in Dunedin. They have visited the book bus this morning and they have about 8 books for the week to read. They have played golf in the backyard and Toby slept well last night. So it is all looking good. I'm glad he seems to be happy about the whole experience.
I hope your Easter breaks were all good fun and relaxing! Our definitely was.
Here's the Easter blog for you...
On Wednesday, we were all ready for the 1900 sailing with plans to collect Toby from After School Care and head to the dock with plenty of time for the 1800 booking in time. I thought I should do a last minute check of the booking form, just in case. Lucky I did. Turned out I had booked Picton to Wellington for today, and Monday was Wellington to Picton. Oh dear. Mike jumped on the phone and talked to BlueBridge and we got on the 3am Thursday morning sailing. Mike spent the rest of the afternoon alternating between chortling at my booking error and saying it was for the best anyway.
So, we collected Toby and went home to bed instead. I think I managed about 4 hours sleep or so and Toby a few more than that and Mike about the same as me. Toby was very excited to be up at 1am and he was a box of birds all the way down to the dock and in the queue. By the time we found a place to sleep on board, Toby was very excited and chattered for ages before falling into a coma. Mike and Toby got about 3 hours sleep on board the boat. Not too bad at all.
We left the ferry at about 6.30am and headed straight to Blenheim for McDonalds for breakfast. Mike professed dissatisfaction with his odd pancakes but Toby and I were happy with our fare.
After filling with petrol we were off down SH1 towards Kaikoura. A cold southerly had just swept up the South Island the day before and we drove into the tail of it. All the hills all the way down had decent skiffs of snow on them. The waves were still battering the rocky coast around Kaikoura and Toby and I had great fun looking for seals and whales. Toby was sure a rock with waves breaking over it was a whale until we got closer. No surfers were about at Mangamanu. Too bitter. The views were spectacular. Sunlight was breaking through in areas and shining on white peaks along the coast.
SH1 turns inland south after Kaikoura and we hurtled through to Amberley where we headed even further inland on SH72. We fell off SH72 briefly due to a detour that steered us wrong around Woddington. Lunch at Geraldine and back on the road to Dunback. I think we arrived around 1630 to a cold wind but lots of sun. The traffic had been fine and we all felt tired but happy to have arrived. We ate tea and fell into a coma in bed.
Next morning was fine and we went for a walk to the swing bridge and checked out the dairy. Just to make sure everything was still in working order in Dunback, you understand. We passed this day playing soccer in the front yard and reading in the sun. Toby crept through the bushes out the back and climbed the neighbours fence and got some grapes from the next-door neighbour for his adventure. The grapes were plump, round, juicy globules of yum and from their own vine. Oddly I was the only one that liked them and ate the whole bunch barring taste tests from others. Mike spent this day catching up on much needed sleep and his body was glued to the couch all day.
Saturday was another fine day, although not quite a nice as Friday with a bit of wind and cloudier skies. But we took off after lunch to visit Macraes goldmine where we were all amazed at the scale of the open pit. Toby was disappointed that it didn't resemble any goldmine he'd seen on television with gold-bearing carts running on rails through a myriad of tunnels. Never mind. We went into the Macraes township and saw a lovely new Aston Martin pull up. Out
hopped (we now believe) Michael Hill with his son and they went off to view his son's new artwork on the skyline - a beautiful rendition of a Haast Eagle.
Ron then drove us from there to see a skink research enclosure in the hills behind Dunback and then to my personal highlight - an archaeological site with cherds all over the ground from flint knappers hunting moa! How exciting. We then drove up to Lot's Wife (a pillar of rock on a hill) and then had an exciting 4WD drive back out to the main road to Dunback. Toby was very excited to get out and walk down a steep section while his Granddad negotiated the washout. He looked like he was panning for gold in the creek at the bottom and got very muddy. I think the van will still have mud marks in it!
Sunday saw us off to church for the 10am service in Palmerston. Toby enjoyed it and perhaps he thinks all church services give out chocolates as he got two Easter eggs during the service. He got to draw some angels during the sermon and was quite chuffed they got shown to the whole congregation afterwards. The 4 or 5 children also got to look at miniature ponies grazing in the churchyard and I saw Toby bravely patting a pony despite warnings one of them nipped from
time to time. How brave!
After lunch we went to roll our eggs down a hill so we could tuck into the chocolate. Yummo! Toby reached his chocolate limit quite quickly I thought. Toby found a new game on his DS Lite that met with approval from his grandparents and Toby gets lots of gametime. It is one where Toby is a zoo vet and diagnoses animal health problems. He has to take temperatures, respiration, give injections and even pull out teeth. We managed to prise the DS out of Toby's hands to go and gather fruit for Aunty Vivienne with his grandparents. We filled buckets and boxes with apples and crabapples. Hopefully the jam will be good and supply the Lewises till next fruit season. That evening Mike and I went for a walk and enjoyed the still evening. Not a breathe of wind. I seemed to repeat that sentence quite a bit over the weekend and Mike's response was always "That's normal for everywhere apart from Wellington". Heheheheh.
Monday morning we were up for an early departure. 7am Mike and I were on the road. We had a good drive up and we were about 3 hours early for the ferry. I think we got to Picton at 1500 after a short stop for about 20 minutes in Geraldine. The ferry crossing was easy and we chatted to returning WTMC punters coming back after 4 day tramps. They were tired and we were still quite fresh even after our 8 hour drive. We did crash into bed at 2300 though and enjoyed our own bed. Sleeping in your own bed after being away is always a welcome change.
So, wee Toby is enjoying his grandparents' hospitality in Dunedin. They have visited the book bus this morning and they have about 8 books for the week to read. They have played golf in the backyard and Toby slept well last night. So it is all looking good. I'm glad he seems to be happy about the whole experience.
I hope your Easter breaks were all good fun and relaxing! Our definitely was.
Good morning on Tues, Apr 14
Well, I guess I have loads to say after the wonderful Easter break we had down in Dunback. I think I might make this brief (work is impeding on my literary flow) and do a big one at some stage today.
Mike and I are at work and Toby is still in Dunedin with Mike's parents. That's the biggest item of news. I miss him already. He seems pretty content with things down there according to the text messages we got during our drive back to Wellington. Mike's mother is likely to come up to Wellington with Toby towards the end of the week (maybe the weekend?) and stay for at least a week. I'd better get the garden sorted! Heheheheh.
Mike and I have loads of housework to do tonight, followed by tramping club on Wednesday night. We have to drop off buckets of Dunback fruit to Vivienne to cook up a storm of jams and preserves. We'd better do that tonight so Vivienne can get stuck in!
Mike and I got up early to watch the delayed Qatar MotoGP this morning. They were about to start the race on Sunday night when a huge downpour cancelled the race! The logistics necessary to run the race the next day must have been impressive.
Ok. I have heaps of emails to attend to and I'd better see if there is anything pressing I need to get done before I get my week's workload in order.
Stay tuned for an Easter wrap up!
Have a great week!
Well, I guess I have loads to say after the wonderful Easter break we had down in Dunback. I think I might make this brief (work is impeding on my literary flow) and do a big one at some stage today.
Mike and I are at work and Toby is still in Dunedin with Mike's parents. That's the biggest item of news. I miss him already. He seems pretty content with things down there according to the text messages we got during our drive back to Wellington. Mike's mother is likely to come up to Wellington with Toby towards the end of the week (maybe the weekend?) and stay for at least a week. I'd better get the garden sorted! Heheheheh.
Mike and I have loads of housework to do tonight, followed by tramping club on Wednesday night. We have to drop off buckets of Dunback fruit to Vivienne to cook up a storm of jams and preserves. We'd better do that tonight so Vivienne can get stuck in!
Mike and I got up early to watch the delayed Qatar MotoGP this morning. They were about to start the race on Sunday night when a huge downpour cancelled the race! The logistics necessary to run the race the next day must have been impressive.
Ok. I have heaps of emails to attend to and I'd better see if there is anything pressing I need to get done before I get my week's workload in order.
Stay tuned for an Easter wrap up!
Have a great week!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Good morning on Wed, Apr 8
Honest - it was 11.59am when I started this blog so it technically was still morning...
We're off down south this evening on the 1900 Bluebridge ferry. Mike's Dad called last night to say they are expecting snow. Brrrrr. Might make for cold tent accommodation.
Mum has unfortunately caught my cold and will be nursing a blocked nose and raspy cough for a few days! Drink plenty of fluid, Mum!
Mike and I both won raffle prizes at work this morning. I got a very handy $25 New World voucher and Mike won a movie pack (chips and Coke and a $5 note to rent a DVD). How cool is that? We won back way more than our investment.
So, I hope you all have a great time over Easter. Relax. Enjoy the break and eat lots of chocolate but don't make yourselves sick (Mike and Toby - I really mean you guys!).
Honest - it was 11.59am when I started this blog so it technically was still morning...
We're off down south this evening on the 1900 Bluebridge ferry. Mike's Dad called last night to say they are expecting snow. Brrrrr. Might make for cold tent accommodation.
Mum has unfortunately caught my cold and will be nursing a blocked nose and raspy cough for a few days! Drink plenty of fluid, Mum!
Mike and I both won raffle prizes at work this morning. I got a very handy $25 New World voucher and Mike won a movie pack (chips and Coke and a $5 note to rent a DVD). How cool is that? We won back way more than our investment.
So, I hope you all have a great time over Easter. Relax. Enjoy the break and eat lots of chocolate but don't make yourselves sick (Mike and Toby - I really mean you guys!).
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Good morrning on Tues, Apr 7
The nice weather has packed up and gone north I think. I am still hopeful for nice autumnal days heading into May but this weather makes me forget all about that prospect.
Mum and Dad took wee Toby for a haircut after school yesterday (Dad got one too) and they both look handsome! It is school photo day today so I made Toby practise his best smile last night.
Toby got a card from Zoe thanking him for asking her over to play. So Toby wrote one back to Zoe this morning. They also chatted on the phone last night too (and played Club Penguin).
Mike has some party or other from 4 - 6pm this afternoon (for that swanky new website he was involved in) so I'll collect wee Toby and we'll eat something yummy (butter chicken maybe?).
We need to pack the car tonight so we'll be busy this evening. How exciting.
The nice weather has packed up and gone north I think. I am still hopeful for nice autumnal days heading into May but this weather makes me forget all about that prospect.
Mum and Dad took wee Toby for a haircut after school yesterday (Dad got one too) and they both look handsome! It is school photo day today so I made Toby practise his best smile last night.
Toby got a card from Zoe thanking him for asking her over to play. So Toby wrote one back to Zoe this morning. They also chatted on the phone last night too (and played Club Penguin).
Mike has some party or other from 4 - 6pm this afternoon (for that swanky new website he was involved in) so I'll collect wee Toby and we'll eat something yummy (butter chicken maybe?).
We need to pack the car tonight so we'll be busy this evening. How exciting.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Good morning on Mon, Apr 6
Well, needless to say, I was sick on Friday and spent a good part of the weekend spluttering. But Thursday evening was a huge Gilbert day as Toby rode his bike without training wheels for the first time! I could tell he was ready because he can balance really well on his scooter now. So I took his bike to school and picked him up from After School Care and he started scooting the bike around the tar sealed area. Within 5 minutes he was away and pedalling all around. He must have biked for about 45 minutes or so. Mike joined us to watch him.
Friday I was sick. Spent most of the time in bed. I collected Toby at 1500 from school. Toby then proceeded to ring Zoe (girl in his class) and speak to her for about 1.5 hours! They both hopped onto Club Penguin and travelled the virtual Penguin world together.
Saturday Mike took Toby swimming and then to Sally and Andrew's house (Sally had been sick most of the week). Then it was off to Ryan's house for the big Easter Egg hunt. Toby loved it.
Saturday night we went out to Cafe Munich and I had pre-ordered the biggest meal there. Shame I was quite sick and only struggled through about a third of it. My parents loved the food there. We also met up with Michelle and her husband Mark (Michelle works around the corner from me). It was great fun (I sat with a box of tissues and my own plastic bag to collect the used ones!).
Sunday was quiet. We took Toby to ride his bike at school again and he invited Zoe around to play. Zoe came over at the exact time we were supposed to have coffee with neighbours. I was happy to avoid that because of my cold anyway. So I watched over Toby and Zoe as they played together. Toby absolutely loved Zoe's company. He was very attentive (she got one of his Easter Eggs he hunted down the day before as soon as she stepped in the door) and I think she enjoyed it too. He actually made a list of all the activities they would do (TV, Club Penguin, food, play, cookies - I think I saw the list had these things on it).
Early night to bed last night. We're away on Wednesday to the South Island. That should be good fun. Mike might be getting a bit sick. I hope it clears up soon for him.
Well, needless to say, I was sick on Friday and spent a good part of the weekend spluttering. But Thursday evening was a huge Gilbert day as Toby rode his bike without training wheels for the first time! I could tell he was ready because he can balance really well on his scooter now. So I took his bike to school and picked him up from After School Care and he started scooting the bike around the tar sealed area. Within 5 minutes he was away and pedalling all around. He must have biked for about 45 minutes or so. Mike joined us to watch him.
Friday I was sick. Spent most of the time in bed. I collected Toby at 1500 from school. Toby then proceeded to ring Zoe (girl in his class) and speak to her for about 1.5 hours! They both hopped onto Club Penguin and travelled the virtual Penguin world together.
Saturday Mike took Toby swimming and then to Sally and Andrew's house (Sally had been sick most of the week). Then it was off to Ryan's house for the big Easter Egg hunt. Toby loved it.
Saturday night we went out to Cafe Munich and I had pre-ordered the biggest meal there. Shame I was quite sick and only struggled through about a third of it. My parents loved the food there. We also met up with Michelle and her husband Mark (Michelle works around the corner from me). It was great fun (I sat with a box of tissues and my own plastic bag to collect the used ones!).
Sunday was quiet. We took Toby to ride his bike at school again and he invited Zoe around to play. Zoe came over at the exact time we were supposed to have coffee with neighbours. I was happy to avoid that because of my cold anyway. So I watched over Toby and Zoe as they played together. Toby absolutely loved Zoe's company. He was very attentive (she got one of his Easter Eggs he hunted down the day before as soon as she stepped in the door) and I think she enjoyed it too. He actually made a list of all the activities they would do (TV, Club Penguin, food, play, cookies - I think I saw the list had these things on it).
Early night to bed last night. We're away on Wednesday to the South Island. That should be good fun. Mike might be getting a bit sick. I hope it clears up soon for him.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Good morning on Thurs, Apr 2
Happy birthday to Ron! I hope Dunedin is putting on as nice as day for you as it is here in Wellington. The early morning sunlight looked lovely as it lit up the houses on the hill behind our work.
Toby was sick yesterday and stayed at home with Mike. Until Mike realised he had a meeting at 11am and quickly drove in to see me. So I drove Toby to Mum's house and he had the day there. I woke this morning with a sore throat so I guess Toby may have some of that! Hopefully he gets to school today. I think we need to get school photo money in by the end of this week as photos are being taken next week! Maybe I should get Toby a haircut?
Nothing much on today. Home for dinner and then an early night for Toby to see if we can stop some of this impending cold before it takes hold. I hope Mike has a better day. The new website needed quite a bit of resuscitation during the day yesterday.
I have table tennis with Mum tonight. That should be good fun!
Have a great day.
Happy birthday to Ron! I hope Dunedin is putting on as nice as day for you as it is here in Wellington. The early morning sunlight looked lovely as it lit up the houses on the hill behind our work.
Toby was sick yesterday and stayed at home with Mike. Until Mike realised he had a meeting at 11am and quickly drove in to see me. So I drove Toby to Mum's house and he had the day there. I woke this morning with a sore throat so I guess Toby may have some of that! Hopefully he gets to school today. I think we need to get school photo money in by the end of this week as photos are being taken next week! Maybe I should get Toby a haircut?
Nothing much on today. Home for dinner and then an early night for Toby to see if we can stop some of this impending cold before it takes hold. I hope Mike has a better day. The new website needed quite a bit of resuscitation during the day yesterday.
I have table tennis with Mum tonight. That should be good fun!
Have a great day.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Good morning on Apr 1 - Wednesday
Even though I was sure it was Thursday for about 5 minutes this morning. Toby nearly got a lunch order instead of lunch (there is lunch order on Thursdays only at his school).
It is karate day today. We need to sort out the AP for it (Mike - it is in my email inbox).
Oh well.
That's it.
Even though I was sure it was Thursday for about 5 minutes this morning. Toby nearly got a lunch order instead of lunch (there is lunch order on Thursdays only at his school).
It is karate day today. We need to sort out the AP for it (Mike - it is in my email inbox).
Oh well.
That's it.
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