Monday, April 27, 2009

Good morning on Mon, Apr 27


We had a great weekend. Friday night we went around to Vivienne and John's place for dinner and ate a great meal. My mother had a ball and kept talking about her social whirlwind weekend (4 nights out in a row!). She loved the food she got served at Vivienne's and Sally's and is already planning her own meal to have people around (once she gets her dining table delivered of course).

So, Friday night was great fun. Toby spent the first 30 mins hiding from Ramble (Ramble was particularly bouncy at the start) and then hugged him by the time we were leaving. Dinner was yummy. The conversation was great. It was a late night for wee Toby though. But he was happy enough.

Saturday was a birthday party at Laserstrike in Lower Hutt. I took Toby out there and scooted off to tea and breakfast with Aidan (Duncan and Emerson's mother). Then we headed back to the party venue and Aidan worked on her laptop while I read her book. After the two games of Laserstrike and ten pin bowling we were off home. Mike and his mother had been busy at work in the house and garden. I helped off and on with things. Then Saturday night we were off to Sally and Andrew's place for a superb dinner. With brazier burning too. Toby played in the garden before dinner with Anthony and shooting and guns had a high profile (curse you, Laserstrike). Heheheheh.

Sunday we got up early and dropped Mike's mother off at the airport. We got breakfast for Toby (had an argument with him over his spoiled nature as he complained bitterly about the toy he got from Maccas as he already had it) and went back home. We were going to see Lifeflight's open day but lethargy set in and Mike and I fell asleep in the morning. Oops. Aidan texted me and said it was a good call to stay home as the weather was wet, wet, wet.

Sunday afternoon Mum came around for dinner (I had put the slow cooker on for a yummy beef stew - it is the weather for it) and Dad popped in after work and ate his dinner. Early to bed for everyone and a bus ride in this morning.

The news this morning indicates swine flu has arrived in New Zealand so I expect never to hear from Sally this week. I hope all their planning for these sorts of eventualities works out for them.

Have a great week!

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