Friday, April 8, 2011

The Thursday with Toby's assembly


Mike had a half day yesterday because of a special assembly Toby had invited us to.  No idea what it was for or anything before we got there.  Anyhow, Mike came in and collected me and we drove up the hill. On the way I saw a Dad from Toby's year walking quickly up the hill so we picked him up too.  Then he spotted his wife in her car ahead of us and jumped out to swap cars.  His wife doesn't know us and she was staring so hard at Mike wondering who he was to toot at her that she didn't noticed her husband open her car door and get in!  Very funny!

Anyhow, we were very proud parents watching the assembly, along with many other proud parents.  It was a celebration of their learning and it was started by the choir.  Toby sang beautifully - well, I think so!  I loved it.

Then he presented a clay volcano with Josh (a classmate) and explained what he had learned about it.  Very cute.  Other classmates showed off their models and drawings as well.  Other classes did Maori singing and science experiments!  Great fun.

Then Mike and Toby dropped me back at work and they popped into Te Papa for a wee while.  I caught the bus home and checked out the changes to the house.  We have a door on the garage now (a back door - the garage doors have been there for a week or two now) and a sensor light to light up the path at night.  Works a charm!  How good is that?!  We also have the French doors in the room, but not installed yet.  How exciting!  Plumbing has changed a little (kitchen waste water pipe down goes in the ceiling space to the basement instead of down the inside of the green room wall) and we have some new lights.

This weekend is reasonably relaxed.  Dinner with the Lewises tonight (I think piano moving is on the agenda).  Swimming tomorrow.  Then meeting Sally and Andrew to check out the Epuni unit and see if we can get some preliminary work done on it (wallpaper has to come off I believe - Mike knows the tasks).  Then we have most of the Sampson children sleeping over.  Sunday lunch is at our place (Vivienne - do you want to come over for it?) and then I expect I can get some reading in (I have plenty of books to get through).  That's my aim!

Ok.  Enjoy your weekend!

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