Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Easter with nothing


What a great way to spend your Easter.  At home, with nothing planned.  Wow!  What a novelty.  And to top it all off, the weather was fantastic.  After the doom and gloom of the forecast for Easter in the week leading up to it too.  Hahah.

Good Friday saw us tidying up around the house.  Toby had a sleepover with Alex on Thursday night and we didn't see him until late Friday.  We wandered around to Vivienne and John's place for tea and Mike stayed late drinking red wine with his sister and brother-in-law.  Well, so did Toby and I!  Except for the drinking bit.

Next morning was a bit seedy for Mike.  But I got him showered and in the car for the drive up to Waikawa beach to see a work colleague.  Adam has a section there and was giving it the annual mow and we ate a nice picnic lunch (bought from the heaving Waikanae supermarket) and wandered down to the beach for a bit.

Back in the car around 3pm to Waikanae to visit the Tabors.  They invited us to stay for tea so we obliged them.  They cook great food, so if you ever get the invitation, take them up on it!  Yummy barbequed kebabs!  Home to collapse into bed.

Sunday morning off to church with Toby and Christine and Tom.  This was mainly to rectify the emotional damage done by the last sermon Toby heard.  We attended the earthquake safe Anglican church on the corner of Pitt St (I wanted the Presbyterian one but it turns out it needs earthquake strengthening so Christine saw that as a good sign we'd chosen the right church).  The minister was a lovely woman and the kids loved the family service.

Home to get ready to go to family lunch at Sally and Andrew's place.  Not via the supermarket as it was shut for Easter Sunday.  The confusing directions I gave Mike meant we fortunately drove right past La Cloche - open for Easter trading.  Got lots of baguettes and yummy cheese and off to lunch!  Lunch was great!  Seeing everyone was wonderful.  There were loads of people there so I hardly got around everyone to say hello.  The weather was lovely again.  How boring.  Hahahahah.  Christine and John arrived after lunch with Tom for an Easter Egg hunt.  Col, Mike and I had hidden about 30 eggs around the garden.  Col was especially good at hiding them because she got a load well after the kids had gone through hunting for them!

Monday was a stay-at-home day (apart from some grocery shopping for me).  We tidied some more and Mike worked on tramping club stuff while I read lots.  Will came over for a play date so Toby was very happy.

Back to work now.  I seem to have caught yet another cold.  I am hoping I fight this off super fast - it feels exactly like the last one I had a month ago!  I can either blame Aidan T or Mike's mother for this one I think.  I like to know the provenance of any cold I get.  Somehow it makes it more satisfying to determine its possible origin!

Have a wonderful (short) week!

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