Monday, February 18, 2013

The weekend with my birthday


What a great weekend we had.  Well, I know I had a great weekend.  Nothing like a birthday and lots of lovely attention to make you happy.

Friday night we relaxed with Toby and ate takeaways at home.  We watched half of Real Steel and Toby finished watching it the next morning.  We all loved it despite it being difficult to pin down as to its genre.  It stars Hugh Jackman as a hopeless dad and he meets his  11 year old son after 11 years of not seeing him and they fight robots - for fun!  But we liked it.  Thanks Brennan for the recommendation.  We asked Toby where he had heard of the movie and he said Brennan told him on the trampoline.  When, we asked?  2011 said Toby.  Hahahah.

Saturday I was up early and drove out to Raumati Beach and rode the race course once more.  12 kilometres in 28 minutes.   Not sure I can get much faster.  Unless Aidan runs like mad, we might not go under the hour combined.

I wandered over to her house and she had two friends visiting so I stayed for lunch and we had a walk later in the day to the blackberry patch.  Yum.  Dropped her two friends off back in Wellington and then out to Woburn to collect everyone for my surprise dinner out at Duck Creek in Pauatahanui.  Very nice.

Back home Sunday was my birthday.  I had a very lazy morning with reading and breakfast in bed.  I might admit to dozing again too.  Up to go to the beach for our surf lesson.  What a lot of fun.  Christine and Tom joined me and Toby.  Wow!  Toby loves it - says it is his favourite sport now.  We want to try it again in a few weekends.  Vivienne popped down to watch and took some great pics!  Ta Vivienne.

I pulled my wetsuit on in the surf shop in the changing room and the conversation went like this:

Me:  It fits.
Toby:  You look like...
Me:  A seal?
Toby:  No...  A walrus!
Me:  A walrus?  A walrus?  (Cue incredulous laughter)

Yep - that's just great.  A walrus.  Nice.  Hahahahah!

Nice poise


This thing is huge.

Christine, John and Tom got me an amazing present.  I have a geologist hammer now.  And a field book to record my amateur rock bashing.  Such fun!  That is so cool!

Off to family dinner afterwards and a great meal and chocolate birthday cake.  Yum!  Ta Sally and Andrew.

And, by the way, we're now staying there with them.  At least we can shower and do other things.  Thanks for that too!

Have a wonderful week!

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