Monday, February 22, 2016

The weekend with my birthday party


What an amazing weekend - Mike handled everything really well and my party was just perfect.  It did start on Friday after work when I went to the Wine and Food Festival with Andrew.  It was ok - but really, just an excuse to get together and drink.

And a happy birthday to Scott for Saturday.  And Richard.  And Alistair.  Feb 20 is a busy birthday.

But Saturday morning Mike got up fairly early and started the prep for the big party at Sally and Andrew's house.  I stayed in bed a bit longer and read.  As you do when it's your birthday!  Hahahah.

But soon enough we were popping into Thorndon New World to collect the platters and last minute items.  Then off to the party.  Woot!

Cake courtesy of Jo was the most amazing sight.  Sophisticated, like me!

My cake was the most amazing thing - it captured the atmosphere perfectly.  It was a shame to cut into it - but it tasted wonderful and got lots of compliments.

We mostly sat around and chatted in the shade of the marquee.  Which we surely needed - so thank you Aidan and Janne for driving it over and helping erect it.

Toby played with Jaana's baby

Marquee worked well - keeping the sun off

Mike and Sally were amazing!

Mike cooked up the food on two barbeques - what a machine he was.  Sally was the perfect hostess, keeping everything humming along like clockwork.

Food galore

More food!

I even gave a speech (of sorts) when I cut the cake.  I tried to thank everyone - but if I didn't mention you, it was not a reflection of any lack of thanks on the inside.  Merely stage fright.  Hahahah.

We left around 6.15pm and left the wee green car in the garage with the wee white car.  They looked so cute that I took a photo.

Two peas in a pod

Next morning we were up early to collect Kathleen and Duncan for a run up at Paekakariki.  We drove up and Mike and Duncan checked out coffees while Kathleen and I ran from the US Marines memorial to Paekakariki and back.  Great run!

Front Room iced coffees are good

Then we drove in the slow traffic to Waikanae breach and ate lunch at the Front Room.  Iced coffee goodness -you know it!

Back home for a shower and change and then off to see Shakespeare in the Dell.  Loves Labours Lost.  A great comedy about kings and his advisors swearing off women to study and better themselves without distraction.  And getting courtly visits by women they fall in love with.

Mike - what are you doing?

Loves Labours Lost - great fun!
Lovely 4pm session - but it did eventually feel cold in the shade.  Had a good time watching that play.  Can't wait for next year now.

Off to collect Toby, Mum and Dad from Vivienne's house, then the MX5 from Sally and Andrew's.  Then Burger Wisconsin for Toby.  Mike did some urgent grocery shopping.  All rather hectic.  But Dad ironed some shirts for me - so that made it easier than expected.

All up - an incredible weekend!  Wow.  But glad they don't all get that much excitement.  Or maybe it's because I am a bit older now.  Too much to handle.  Hahahah.

Two more weekends coming up of excitement though.  I'd better get used to it.

Have fun this week!


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