What a whirlwind weekend in our house! And I just wrote the date down at work and realised it is Michelle's birthday. Happy birthday Missyshell.
Cold weather but not cold enough to miss out on an iced latte |
I finally caught up with Mary on Friday and enjoyed an iced latte with her at that cafe that starts with "M".
Friday night saw Mike and I at the airport waiting for Jess's flight to arrive. It was delayed 45 mins so by the time we got home at 11.15 or so I was ready for bed!
Saturday was madness. Up late for brekkie in Petone and packed cafes saw us at Go Bang where we discovered it was a vegetarian cafe. No bacon for Toby. It was all good though.
Ran some messages and then back to our place and before we knew it, it was time to head away to Sreejith's house for dinner.
Toby and Jess stayed home to eat pizza and watch movies - although they ended up playing games as far as I know.
We enjoyed everyone's company and Mike "watched" the rugby on the Stuff feed - calling out the scores as the game progressed.
We dropped Ebby and his wife home on The Terrace before heading to the airport to try out sleeping in the back before my mother's flight got in. We got to a quiet part of the carpark around 10.30pm and fell asleep. Well, I read. Mike slept though.
Mum hadn't ticked the box saying she had prescription drugs with her and that caused some delay for her while exiting customs. But soon we were greeting her and getting the car for our trip home. Asleep by 2am!
Lamb stir fry |
He stole my phone and took heaps of selfies |
1am and Mum arrives - Toby is sleeping in the lounge |
Sunday saw Mike heading away to Brekkie for a Meetup group and I cooked mushrooms, pancakes and bacon for Toby and Jess.
Jess and Toby went to see Baywatch at the Reading cinemas and by all accounts (well, Toby's) it was good fun. Jess then met her friends for some event at Vic uni and Mike collected her late.
Mum and I cooked tea - lamb stir fry. And then it was time for bed.
Up early to watch the Assen MotoGP. Go Rossi - he won!
Tonight is the big event - An evening with Dr Jane Goodall. At Michael Fowler. Can't wait!
Have a great week!