Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Wednesday with a haircut


After the stunning morning, the forecast was entirely accurate when it said it would cloud over and rain by midday.  That is exactly what happened.  As I stepped out for my Spin class at 12.25pm, the road had some rain falling on it.

I caught up with Steph about some work stuff before heading to my haircut appointment.  Sat there and enjoyed the pampering that comes with a haircut (well, someone is sort of playing with your hair and you kind of have an excuse to close your eyes for a lot of the time - so I find it relaxing, so long as not much conversation is expected).

I caught the bus home, as I didn't want a helmet to muck up my new hair style (such as it is).  I texted Mike what bus I got on, but because he'd told me work was having an issue, I didn't really expect him.  Anyway, I was engrossed in my book on my phone.  As I do when I catch the bus.  And eventually I get a text.  From Mike.  And it says "Look to your left".

Mike was sitting on my bus.  And given we were now at the university, he'd been there quite a while.  I laughed.  The poor man sitting next to me probably wondered what I was doing.  Mad!

We got home and I cooked tea.  Basically a shepherd's pie.  With kumara mash and beef/venison mince.  It was pretty tasty.

Toby and I are off to Christchurch this evening.  But a storm coming through will likely mean we just spend our time eating in cafes for the first two days.  But should the ski field open, the snow will be fantastic!

Back late Sunday!  Woot!

Have a fantastic time.  We will!  Skimming stones on the river is always on our agenda too.


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