What a whirlwind of a weekend. And yet, there was nothing planned, really. We just careered from ad-hoc thing to the next ad-hoc thing. And it worked! It was all about friends and family - super excited to see Kathleen and Duncan at the end of their South Island holiday before they flew out, and to see Kay and Dave as they flew in to start theirs.
Mike and I flew to Chc late Thursday evening - the plane was a little delayed. Toby and Tessa were a bit late coming to get us as Toby seemed to think we were arriving on Friday. Hahah.
They took us out to Rollickin - except it was closing as we got there. So went to another place (in an old building on the corner, just across from the cathedral) for a snack and dessert. It was ok. Expensive and a little bit average.
But we got dropped off at the Camelot motels and Mike collected the late night check in info from the lockbox at reception and we found our room - 777.
Camelot is funny. It has been around for years because it existed when we stayed across the road at the Ashford Motor Lodge 30 years ago. It has some fake castle-like architecture. But it was absolutely fine. Our wee unit had a great bed, great water pressure in the shower and a coffee plunger. Mike was sorted!
Up early as Mike had to work. It was a holiday in Canterbury - but not Wellington. Hahah. I went out with Toby and Tessa to visit New Brighton. I had spotted a pier jutting into the sea as we landed last night and asked Tessa if we could go there. So we did!
Had lunch just outside of the beach area and enjoyed that. I tried to find the cafe for you - and failed. It was opposite Travis wetland and in a complex with a GP. There! Enough clues for later.
Lunch at cafe near New Brighton |
The pier I spotted from the plane last night |
Tessa took us to the pier - and it was fantastic. I felt like I was in the US! It was so hot when we parked the car that I took off my hoodie and we wandered out onto the pier. Then a cloud came over to block the sunshine and by the time we got to the end of the pier, it was starting to feel slightly cool. It was windy and the wind wasn't super warm.
Back to get some stuff at Countdown opposite the beach - plunger coffee for Mike mainly. And then off to get a haircut for Toby. But his favoured place was shut - it was a holiday after all. We realised Tessa's work would be open and there would be a hairdresser in the mall. So off we went.
Turns out we got a lot of nice clothes for Toby and a haircut! And look - below is the evidence!
Pomeroys for tea |
Out with Steph and Sam for tea at Pomeroys. Delicious as always. And home for a nap before our midnight jaunt to the aiport.
Midnight at the airport - hi Alastair and Kirsty |
Kay and Dave were arriving a little delayed from their flight from Orkney. Half past midnight. We got into the waiting area and Alastair spotted us. He has grown a lot since I saw him when he was 3 years old. But yet - he still somehow looks the same! Kirsty is lovely and we all chatted until Kay and Dave finally made it through customs and into the waiting area.
There they are! |
Alastair hadn't seen his parents for a year so it was a lovely reunion for them. Awwwww. Then, Kirsty and Alastair ubered home and we took Kay and Dave to their motel - Ashford Motor Lodge. Got the key from the lockbox and ferried their stuff into their room. I reckon Dave was asleep by the time I backed out of the tight car park. Hahah.
We slept in Saturday morning. No park run for us. Oops. But at 9.30am Mike woke me to say Kay and Dave had been up for hours! So I hurtled out of bed and we got ready to meet them. Toby and Tessa joined us. We tried to get into Diner 66 but it was "full". Got a SIM card from Z station for Kay though. So yay for crossing off one task.
Found a wee cafe, and enjoyed some food and much-needed coffee there.
We found Kay and Dave and took them to the Canterbury museum. It is a popup while their new museum is sorted (or their old one is strengthened - one of those things is true). Loved the highlights they have curated.
We recreate our first kiss - sort of |
We walked past the cathedral and re-created our first kiss. Which was close to 31 years to the month ago. Up on the balcony high in the cathedral. Which is now rubble. Unlike our relationship. Which is not rubble. Hahahah.
Alstair and Kirsty joined us at Ashford Motor Lodge for a cup of tea. And they recreated a photo from 20 years ago when 6 months old Toby sat on 3 year old Alastair's lap. Hahah. Funny.
Toby and Alastair recreate a pic from 20 years ago |
We dropped Alastair and Kirsty at their place in Riccarton and headed to our motel to get to bed. Up for brekkie at Little Poms at 10am. All of us. Hahah. Plus Harry - Alastair's mate.
Little Poms for Sunday brekkie |
Then finally, after getting all the bags int he right vehicle, the Orkney contingent was off on their adventure. We went back to Toby and Tessa's flat to hang out. I tried the VR headset - loved it. It keeps going out of focus for me. But the whole thing was such fun.
Then we went to Lone Star at the airport. Steph popped in to say goodbye. And then we went to the airport to wait for our flight.
Chc airport |
It was a bit delayed. And there was an announcement to say the flight to WLG had been cancelled. So we went back out through security - with another woman - to find it was the 2030 flight that had been cancelled. So back through we went.
Got to Wellington. Caught an Uber home. And we were home by 8pm. Cats were happy to see us. Thank you for feeding them Sally and Andrew!
Moxley is happy to see us |
Smudge is smudging |
Cuteness overload |
Monday morning manic selfie |
Up Monday and back to routine. I feel so full from the weekend of eating. OMG. Time to reset that!
Have a brilliant week ahead.