Monday, March 28, 2011

The weekend camping

What a great weekend, although it seemed to fly by and I wonder what happened to at least one of the days. Friday night Mike went home to collect Toby and I went out to see the NZSO at Michael Fowler. Christine had arranged it and Josh was coming as well.
Turns out that waiting on the corner of Michael Fowler at 5:30pm means I see loads of people. Saw Kara (she was actually coming too), saw Mike W in his car driving past. And eventually saw Christine and her family too. And Josh. Phew!
Josh and I popped back to shift my car and just managed to catch up with Christine before we went in. The concert was very good. Bit of Mahler. Bit of Beethoven. We were in the third row almost in the centre. I loved hearing the pianist's stool squeak slightly as he shifted weight. Great fun!
Afterwards I drove Josh home. Squashed in a glass of water and then drove back to Sally and Andrew's house. Mike and Toby had been invited over for dinner and a brazier night. So Toby suggested camping there. When I arrived Toby was asleep and everyone was chatting quietly around the dying brazier. I had followed the rain from Waikanae to Lower Hutt!
Into bed and a good sleep before swimming. Sally walked into the market and I had a yummy croissant for Breakfast - in the tent! Toby swam well and then we were off to Waikanae to camp there too.
In Waikanae we decided to hit the beach. Josh needed sand for his project (setting paving stones) and a good excuse to let the kids run around. And Lulu!
Back home for tea and wind down for the evening. We slept well in the tent once more. We were all out like lights.
Sunday was another leisurely breakfast - ta Josh! Then off to Sally's place for her birthday lunch! What an amazing lunch! As usual. Mike and I quickly hopped back to our place to collect Sally's present. Mike then struggled with the wifi at Sally's house. It would not work there for some reason. So we took it back home, where it worked immediately. Stupid routers! Does seem weird.

We did pop over to Mike's parent's new flat in Epuni.  Very cute wee place.  I hope it suits their needs well.
Home to collapse into bed. Time for another week to start.
Have a great week!

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