Friday, July 15, 2011

The Thursday with dinner out on the town


After the user group meeting, I met Sally, Andrew and Mike for a dinner out on the town.  Mike had arranged for Hannah to come and babysit Toby and we were off.  We went to Soi (around in Evans Bay) and it was very nice.  I'd like to have brunch there one day on a still, crisp morning.  It is set over the water so it would be an amazing view.  Andrew has a theory that amazing views negates the need for excellent food but Soi was bucking the trend in his assessments!

I rode in this morning and it is a beautiful morning.  The trouble is I still have my summer fingerless gloves on.  I haven't found my winter ones as yet.  And after less than one kilometre from home I could hardly feel my fingers.  Braking down the hill was by judging how much the bike slowed down, as the feedback from brake lever pressure was non-existent.

My fingers ached at work as the blood started circulating once more.  But now they are tingling with that wonderful buzzing feeling.  Nice.  Oh - I just noticed a huge bruise on my middle finger on my left hand.  It's massive.  Wonder what happened when they were numb?  I can hardly straighten it now.  Lucky it wasn't my ring finger.

Toby's last day for the term today.  Then he and Mike are off to Dunedin on Sunday.  I am hoping to head up to Ruapehu for a ski day on Sunday with Andrew.  We have a tentative plan and the weather looks good.  Can't wait.  It has been snowing all week up there.  Bring that on!

Mike's last day at work today too.  Oooooo.  Exciting for him.  I hope he has a wonderful day.

Have a great weekend.

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