Friday, January 27, 2012

My disorganised morning

One thing Angela didn't mention last night was the wind.  Windy it certainly was on the way home!  Exciting gusts that try blowing you into the traffic down in the city, and very unusually a head-wind going up our steep hill.  Normally that hill is very sheltered, which is a small mercy.  Not yesterday.  Still, I did the not-terrible time of 11:15 up the hill, which given the conditions was pretty well alright.  Under 11 minutes I consider good, and under 10 minutes means I am an exceptional athlete.  Well, in my mind.

This morning I was up very early, getting into the shower straight after Angela before 6am.  I had lots to do and an early meeting and wanted to make sure everything went well.  But, of course, time warp kicked in, and I ended up later than if I'd have got up at 7am.  I don't really know how that happens.

My organisational skills were also sadly lacking.  I was running around in a panic from about 7:30 onwards.  (Toby was very helpful and got his jobs done and then looked after me).  The nadir was the time I spent searching the whole house for Toby's jacket, since Angela had mentioned that it wasn't in his bag and she didn't know where it was.  Only to find that she's clearly since found it and put it in his bag for us!

I had to go back twice from the garage, to get Toby's present for Tom, and then to get a garage key.  Twice was clearly not enough, since I don't have my wallet at all, which is going to make lunch time slightly problematic - no sandwiches for us this morning.  And I need to keep my jersey on all day - because the 'casual friday' T-Shirt I grabbed has a big picture of a dog licking its balls on the back of it, which is probably a bit too casual.

But all worked out.  I was panicking because I had an 8:30 meeting and everything has to run just right to make it on time.  But we made it to Toby's holiday programme before it opened, so I was on my bike right on time.  I rode down in spite of the rain, because bike is the only way to make that sort of deadline - it's the fastest way in, even compared to driving,  because there are rat runs you can do on a bike that you can't do on a car, and the traffic is pretty slow that time of morning.  Yes - it was wet and cold.  But not particularly so.  I brought a towel and a complete change of clothes in and was quickly warm and comfortable.  Bring it on I say!  Though I envy Angela's disc brakes.  Mine were pretty useless.  They're also very worn out which doesn't help at all.  I went pretty gingerly down the hill.

Oh well, it's Friday which is great!  I have a very busy weekend with many jobs to get done - don't quite know how that matches up with Angela's lazy weekend.  But we will see.  Forecast I think, is for this rain to blow through tonight and the weekend to be okay, which bodes well for another day in the garden.  Enjoy your day!

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