Friday, January 27, 2012

The Thursday with my serviced bike and Cubs planning


Yesterday was great - I collected my serviced bike (free one at 6 weeks) with new pannier rack on it and road tyres.  Mike and I rode home together and then we decided against further grocery shopping and got Burger Wisconsin instead.  We scoffed that down just before the other Cub leaders turned up for a few hours to plan the new term.  It all got pretty sorted.  Hooray!

Toby went to bed on his own pretty much as we all chatted excitedly about what we'd like to do this term with the Cubs.  He's a good kid!

This morning dawned - if you can call it a dawn when it is raining and the sky merely lightens as opposed to seeing the sun come up - rainy but with considerably less wind than last night's strong gusts.  However, it is a southerly now.  I was soaked within a kilometre of home and by the time I got to work, the tips of my fingers were cold.  An unusual sensation at this time of year!

My bike clothes are soaked.  I wrung out socks and gloves and I have sneakily hung up my shirt and shorts under my desk.  Hope it isn't too obvious.  Paper towels are now stuffed down my bike shoes in an effort to dry them off before I have to pull them on at the other end of the day!  Yucky!  I may be bringing down the dress standard around my part of the office today...

Anyhow - it's nearly the weekend!  Yay!  We have to buy school shoes for Toby (and socks and singlets - all white) and a new lunchbox.  But apart from that, we have a swimming playdate at H2OXtreme and not a lot else.  Choice!  A relaxing weekend.

Bring on a cup of tea now, and everything will be brilliant.  At least, I am dry now.

Have a wonderful weekend.

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