Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Tuesday with Cubs


I got rather wet riding in this morning (Wednesday).  How do you know it is wet?  When you get to work, people look at you and exclaim "Good on you!".  Uh ah.  They think I am mad.  I understand.  But it was lovely in the rain this morning.  The harbour was as flat as a pancake and the raindrops looked pretty falling into the grey water.  My gear is drying out under my desk. 

Last night Cubs went well.  We seem to have snaffled another Cub leader.  Cool.  I suggested Pip come to an evening with her son and he could jump the waiting list if she signed up as a leader.  Looks like she wants to jump the queue.  Mini golf must have looked like fun.  Apparently her son knows some other Cubs and he has been told we slept with lions (huh? - the zoo sleepover I wasn't on perhaps) and light fires with magnets (flints - and no one managed to ignite anything!).  Hahahah.

I am also quite taken with my toenails.  Aidan's suggestion to paint them was a great one.  The colour is called "An affair in Red Square" and they certainly catch my eye in the few times a day my toes are visible.  What a hoot!  I may be getting in touch with some deep, hidden feminine feelings.  No, hold on.  I am sitting here with wet bike gear under my desk.  No other woman around me has clothing festooning her desk.  Perhaps it is just a momentary aberration.

Time for a lovely cup of tea.

Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. I, er, drove to work, because I lost valuable morning time breaking and fixing the coffee machine, eating toast and jam, and reading facebook.
