Wednesday, August 1, 2012

WTMC Ruapehu Lodge - directions

The WTMC Ruapehu Lodge is easy when you know where it is, but initially difficult as it is mostly obscured from the car park.  Here are some directions.

Drive up the Whakapapa ski road, until you get near the top (the 50 km/h area).

On your right, cars will be angle parked.   On your left are the day car-parks, numbered from Car Park 10 (the first one you see).  But soon, you will see a car-park on the right, directly opposite Car Park 1.  Park here if at all possible.

As you face up the hill, the WTMC lodge is to your right and a little back down the hill.  You can't see the WTMC Lodge from the road, but you can see Serac Lodge on the ridgeline, likely with a big spotlight shining.

From the car-park, head away from the road, directly away from the 'Car Park 1' sign on the opposite side of the road.  Climb down into the small gully and up the other side.  Careful, as a stream runs through the bottom of the gully.  Not usually a problem in winter as there is usually snow covering it.  But in wet conditions in autumn or spring, you may end up with very wet feet if you're not alert.

Climb up to Serac lodge. (a few minutes).  The path should be pretty clear from the bottom of the gully.  It has steps, and a couple of road markers someone has helpfully stolen and put on the path about halfway up.

Walk past Serac and the WTMC lodge is just behind it about 30m away and slightly more uphill.

And if in doubt, ask.  Especially if people are wandering up and down the path.  They are likely to know.

There are more maps and directions, and a video of the path, here:

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