Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Sunday in Sydney


Our flight over on Saturday morning was one of the best trips over I have had.  It may have had something to do with me making it through an episode of Father Ted and getting 5 minutes into "Big Bang Theory (which I have never watched before and still can't believably make that claim) before I fell asleep with my headphones still on.  I only woke when Toby started changing my programming.  Well, actually, he had changed my programming already and I slept through that.  But when he turned up the volume quite loud on a Coldplay song and then got a bit too excited at the thought of finding a Justin Bieber song to serenade me during my sleep that he woke me, I realised I was only 45 minutes out from Sydney and where had the flight gone?

The day passed by with seeing the Kittos - it has been ages since Toby and I were here.  Over a year.  Last November we watched Tyler just starting to learn to ride her bicycle.  This year - she is amazing.

And then she gave me a go - good fun!

After an amazing sleep where Mike and I made it to about 8pm before hitting the wall (apart from those raucous Australian birds screeching outside our window at 5am) we eventually got up and made breakfast.  Then Karen and I went and did some last minute shopping before the crowds.  And it worked well.  So well we even got Yum Cha.

Please note the plate of green veges in the middle of the table.  

We drove home and I drank another iced coffee while we wrapped presents.  Scott and Mike took the kids to Wreck It Ralph (movie) and got the Santa photos taken.  Our kids look huge now with Santa.  We're going to have tea and then wander around to some Christmas Carols at the local high school and then look at the fantastic houses that get all decorated each year.

Tomorrow is all about prepping for the big day.  But there should be time to relax as well.

Hope you're having a great time in the lead up to Christmas.


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