What an amazing weekend. It started with watching the boys do their morning routine on Friday. It's a funny act. They both dawdle interminably and then rush right at the end. I dropped Toby off at the bus stop and came back for Mike and then dropped him off at work. I picked up my groceries for the weekend and headed back home to put the bike on. Not too much later, I was off.
My drive up was uneventful - the weather was quite pleasant and I had a pork pie to eat on the way so I never even needed to stop.
Got into Taupo and opened the house up. I immediately unpacked, got all my gear ready and laid out and then prepped my bike. I cleaned and lubed it. Made sure tyres were ok (glass inspection - all clear).
Bike all prepped and looking shiny and pretty |
I drove closer to town and walked in to register. I got mine and Mike's and queued to change Mike over for Andrew. The process was a shambles. I then tried to change my category 7 to category 9 (the same as Iona and Andrew) but they tried to stop me. Me, being such a mega athlete and all. Why would I want to move into a lower category? I said "My husband is in that category and I want to ride with him". So they caved in and let me.
I wandered back to the house (Tui house again - and it was good again - better book it for next year), thankful I had parked so far out of town. The immediate vicinity was clogging up fast with cars,
Christine and Brian turned up after a wee while and I played Scrabble with Christine while Brian made tuna pasta bake. It was scrumptious. Christine slaughtered me in Scrabble. She needs to play Mike for a bit of competition.
My words are things like "eye" and "tie". |
Christine did use the dictionary |
Iona and Col popped over right on tea and we chatted away for a while. Now, we were all aware of the running water noise, but we all assumed it was something like the dishwasher or the toilet cistern. None of us went to investigate. But when Iona and Col got up to leave, Christine shouted "The water!" when she looked at the bathroom. I ran there in my socks and found myself splashing over the carpet. Oh no. I looked into the bathroom but nothing was running. Then I noticed the water was actually coming from the cupboard. I opened the cupboard and the hot water cylinder was squirting water from a pipe at the base. Col immediately ran to turn off the toby and I ran to tell the owners behind.
Fortunately, Dave, the owner, was a retired plumber. He had it fixed in about 20 minutes. I promptly went to bed after that excitement. Christine and Brian mopped up best they could with towels.
Anyhow, Andrew was arriving soon and also prepping for his ride. I got up at 4.30am and had a shower and got ready. I was so excited. I are breakfast (tuna pasta leftovers) and chatted to Andrew. Then we were off to Iona's motel and collected her then rode to the start line. We were first in line. Waiting, waiting.
6am we were off. The day was cold. And Iona and I got rained on in the first 40 km but Andrew, 5 mins ahead of us got nothing. Off and on we got baking sun and freezing rain and a cold wind. But I found it easier conditions than last year. Iona was sure it was easier last year. She has legs of steel though.
I found the first 40 km quite good. We got to the interchange point 30 mins earlier and anticipated being held up. But the elite riders must have passed already so we rode right through.
The second 40km is my nemesis. Lots of up and down. I need to concentrate on this 40 km in training.
I like the last 80 km. It includes two big hills, but also great downhills. I can go faster on the flat sections and the wind was assisting a bit this year (unlike last year where it felt like a head wind). Andrew let me draft him in sections and it was great. Coming off Hatepe hill, he was pedalling and I was coasting. Awesome action, Andrew! Thank you.
As we approached the finish line, I knew I was close to beating my time by thirty mins from last year. So I rode faster in the last few kms than last year. Did it too!
Refreshment stop. The volunteers are all so nice and supportive. |
I'm refreshed! Only 40 km to go! |
Haptepe Hill - the last significant hill. Only 20 km to go now! |
And chatting to Mike at the end. I was so happy - look at my grin! |
Andrew and I rode home and had a shower and fell into bed. I enjoyed a snooze I have to say. It was so nice doing nothing.
Christine and Brian came home and cooked tea and it was really yummy. Chicken with feta, and salads and asparagus. My ideal meal. Thank you!!
Iona and Col popped around again and Christine took Brian and Andrew on in dominoes. We watched and chatted. I made plans with Col to get up at 3.30am and watch the Aus versus England rugby. With that in mind, it was an early night.
I got up at 3.15 and Col was in soon after that and then we scoured the Sky channels in vain. Couldn't find it. So after about 30 mins of fruitless searching, Col went home to bed and I fell asleep in seconds in my bed.
Up to tidy up and put away the gear. We drove into town and ate at Replete. It is a tradition with Andrew and Iona and Col.
Sunday morning iced coffee at Replete. It was ok. Not sweet at all. I quite liked it. 7 |
2014 number |
I filled up with petrol and left just before 10am. Had a good drive home - it was pretty windy. Had to fight the car at times. Just north of Levin a van in front of the car in front of me left the road, climbed a 1 metre high bank with its two passenger side wheels and ripped off vegetation and I was sure would not stay upright. But when I pulled over, there was the van on the side of the road. The occupants were shaken but not hurt. Wow! How lucky. I was sure I would be pulling damaged people out of a wreck when I saw the van up on two wheels.
Home safely and super happy to have Taupo done. Yay. I did it thirty minutes faster than last year. 7 hours 18 minutes.
Next year I want to have a 6 in the front of my time.
Have a wonderful week. Christmas shopping starts in earnest now.