Monday, December 15, 2014

The weekend with so much on


Toby's birthday went really well.  Mike collected Toby after work and we all met at Mama Brown's in Wakefield St.  What a great place.

Sally and Toby at Mama Brown.  Not sure what Toby found so funny.  Sally was always composed though!

Me and Mike.

Finally a photo of Toby and Sally with Toby not laughing uncontrollably
I had my difficulties getting Mike to behave for the camera

Hold still, Mike!  Gotcha!

I dropped Sally and Andrew home afterwards - seemed like a great excuse to drive around singing loudly to me.  Awesome fun.  Well, on the way home.  I try to limit the amount of my singing Sally is subjected to.  I still remember the time I sang all the way to Stratford and back.  I think she might too.  On those nights when she wakes up in a sweaty panic.  I only hope she doesn't realise what is causing the flashbacks.  Hahahah.

Saturday I spent at home with Toby.  He wanted to do nothing.  So, nothing we did.  Mike went into work and then went to a tramping club beer tramp.  He met Andrew and they didn't get home until late.  I tidied the house.  But didn't get a lot done really.  Laundry mountain was conquered though.  That's a good thing.

Andrew stayed at our place on the couch and next morning I dropped him home before grocery shopping and a trip home the long way via Scorching Bay.  I are some berries on the beach and went home to get ready for the bike ride with Andrew.  He rode to our place and as I drove into our street, I passed him.

Strawberries, anyone?  Scorching Bay on Dec 14.

Varied it with raspberries this year

Then we started off to Brooklyn.  Unfortunately Andrew got a puncture at the top of Aro and I never saw him until Scorching Bay (where I stopped for another photo).

Scorching Bay again - this time with bike (and no strawberries)

But we met Mike and Toby at Chocolate Fish in Shelley Bay and we had some lunch and an iced coffee.  I do like it there.
Andrew and me at Chocolate Fish

My feet looking amazing at Chocolate Fish
I took a photo of my feet and Andrew commented at how clean their were and did I pumice them to get them looking like that?  No, I replied.  They are naturally beautiful.  Vindicated!  It feels good.  :-p

Ok - my hair looking not quite so amazing as my feet at Chocolate Fish.  Good iced coffee.

Then home up the hill and a shower and ready for cooking family dinner.  Mike and Andrew started the jigsaw puzzle Toby got for his birthday from Prich and dinner came together.

Family dinner on the deck
 It was such a nice day - nicer in the evening than all the rest of the day, I think.

Seemed to be enough food

I took Vivienne and John home and had some slobbers from Ramble and Winter.  Nice way to round off the weekend.  Back home to bed.  I was so tired.  Took me a while to fall asleep.

My run was awesome!  Ran 5km.  Took me 35 minutes.  I need to get it down to 30 and I'll be happy with that three times a week.

The bike ride into work was also lovely.  Wellington is putting on a stunning day.  Enjoy your week.


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