Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Monday with back to work


Well, my Monday was pants.  No question about that.  But I blame the awesome weekend, right?  How can a working day compete with that sort of fun?

And Mary is no longer in the team.  So that made Monday less bearable than usual too.  Oh well.  Maybe more tea is the answer?

I met Mike outside the building he was meeting someone in (Stout St one) at 4.30pm and we drove over to Toby's school for parent teacher interviews.  Met three of his teachers.  Toby must come across as bright because they all said that.  But he also comes across as easily distracted.  Means we didn't really learn anything new because we know he is bright and we know he gets distracted like a magpie with bright shiny things.  Hahaha.  Well, maybe distracted with anything on the internet.

We got home and I cooked tea for the boys.  We chatted about the parent teacher interviews.  Had a quiet evening before bed.

I went to sleep nice and fast after Mike did his homework.  But he woke up at 1am choking and I could not get back to sleep.  So I didn't get up for my run this morning.  Groan.  Not too sure I will be at my peak today.

But, after work Toby will come here and we'll meet Aunty Sally and catch the train to Petone.  Pick up our car (that is where Mike is now - dropping it off for its WoF) and grab some Indian takeaways and enjoy dinner with Sally and Andrew.  Looking forward to that.

Just had a decent jolt of an earthquake here too.  First one for a wee while that I have felt.  5.1 over in Masterton.

Have a brilliant day.  I am going to get a cup of tea.


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