Monday, April 4, 2016

The weekend in Dunedin


Well, we had a lovely weekend with everyone in Dunedin.  I really love Dunedin.  Why don't we go there more often?  It was a somber occasion this weekend - Mike's mother was unveiling the headstone for Ron.  But the ceremony was low key and simple and just perfect.  Let me tell you more about it all.

Friday I caught the bus home with Mike. Toby and Mike packed (I was already packed - yes, that is my smug, gloating tone) and we headed off to the airport.  They are fiddling (again!) with the car parks there and we got on a road that funnelled us right out of the airport again.  So - back in and found a park the second time.

Checked in and we had dinner.  Mike had Subway (gag!) and Toby had Dunkin Donuts (what?) and I ate a sandwich from Wishbone.  My taste is far superior to theirs.

Anyway - soon we were at the gate and saw Vivienne, John, Benjamin, Sally and Andrew arriving.  We got on the plane and we were opposite the Lewis clan.  An uneventful flight to Dunedin and Mike found our Jucy car in the out of hours section and we were soon driving into Dunedin.

Happily got to Highgate and found our bed and collapsed into it.

Next morning we were up fairly early and met everyone (they were staying at Wains Hotel on Princes St - pretty much opposite the old post office) and went to the best breakfast place I have been to in ages.  Vogel St Kitchen.  I am totally going there again.

I had Eggs Benedict and enjoyed it a lot.  Very tasty.  And my iced coffee was also very good.

Sally sets the scene for our brekkie

Good iced coffee here.  Rate this one.

From here we all split up.  Mike and I went home to collect Toby to take him shoe shopping at Frames Footware, a Dunedin institution.  We got him three pairs of shoes as he can't fit anything except jandals at the moment.  You can see his new shoes in the photo right below here!

Anderson Bay cemetery

Back for a quick lunch to Highgate and then off to collect Richard and head to the cemetery.  We were early so I went off and found other graves that have relatives of mine in there.  Showed Toby.  Mike took GPS co-ordinates so we can find them easily again.

My grandfather - Mum's side

Grandparents (and other relatives) on my father's side

We had a lovely ceremony next to Ron's new headstone.  Mike's mother said a few words.  The vicar said his piece.  And it was nice and simple.  Toby appreciated it a lot.

Dropped a present off at Phil's house from Jurica.  Not sure that Phil's wife understood my explanation though.  Hahahah.

From here we went home and then we were off to Richard and Theresa's place for tea.  Picked up Indian takeaway and caught up with their news.  Had a great time.  It's been ages since I saw them.  Mike and Toby have seen them more recently than me.

Toby had a great time - he really enjoys it there.  Eventually we dragged him away (after he did a David Bowie karaoke number for us all - got 100% and 5 stars on the karaoke game!) and crashed into bed.

Up the next morning with no daylight savings.  Ooohhh.  Winter time.  Walked up to No 7 Balmac and had first breakfast.  Then Reimer and Nat arrived at 10.30 and I had second breakfast with them.  I love breakfast time.  Polly talked to Nat a lot.  Mike came to our table once the others left.  Talked a bit more.

Another iced coffee - too sweet

Walked home and saw interesting mushrooms on the way.  Read a bit and watched a video of Toby when he was 3 months old.  Such fun!

Cool fungus

Went out to the airport and dropped off the car and jumped on the plane.  Had a good view of Aramoana on the way out.

And a good view of Banks Peninsula on the way home.

Banks Peninsula

My sleep last night was so blissful.  I couldn't keep my eyes open at 8.40pm.  Felt like 10pm.  Well, I guess it was, really.  Hahahah.  But whatever it was, it was so nice to fall asleep in seconds.  Shame my body told itself to wake up at 4.30am (but fortunately I did fall asleep again).

Have an appointment with Toby after his school today.  Complicated logistics.  I hope he makes it into town ok.  I drove in, so hopefully we won't be too late to meet the appointment.

Right.  Time for the week to start.  No Jurica.  Guess I'd better get a cup of tea by myself.

Have a great week.


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