Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Tuesday with not a lot


The day stayed lovely for most of it. It got a wee bit cloudy for some of it. But by the time I rode home (quite late) it was quite nice again.

Ride your bike to work day - stunning day for it

Work iced latte

I did get out to lunch with Erin - and we went to Arabica. It was so nice to get out and chat to her. And she bought me lunch. :-)

Callan recently went to the Wild Food festival in Hokitika and brought me back some wild venison bier sticks. Thank you! Totally going to take them to Alps to Ocean next week.

Callan and Stacey got me some wild venison bier sticks! Woot!

Woke up on Wednesday morning and it was another stunning day. Rode in quite late compared to my normal commute time - dodging cars can be scary.

Stunning Wednesday morning

Work iced latte - but with Lewis Road iced coffee. Delicious

Mike had a Lewis Road iced coffee in the fridge at work here for me. So I added it to a glass of ice and now I am drinking a delicious iced latte.  Mmmmm.

Busy day at work today. But eyes on the prize - which is the awesome ride home at the end of the day. I love my eBike!


Have a great day.

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