Friday, February 27, 2009
Good morning on Friday (hooray), Feb 27
The weekend can't come soon enough - I've been a day ahead of myself all week so it has taken a while to get here.
Toby looks like he'll actually get to play soccer after school today as the weather is pretty good. High cloud at the moment but that should disappear. The weekend is shaping up to be the sort where you batten down the hatches and read books. I hope the southerly change holds off till tomorrow and the Twenty20 match goes ahead in Wellington tonight.
Aidan T will drop Toby off at Mum's house after soccer (so just after 4pm) and then I'll ride there after work (I should get there about 6.30pm). Mike will hopefully collect the car from its WoF work (uh oh - apparently it needs new shocks - why?) and collect stuff from our house before coming over to Mum and Dad's place to watch Twenty20 on the TV. We'll have a sleep over and head off to swimming tomorrow from there.
We're keen on Yum Cha after swimming tomorrow to set the mood for the Terracotta Warrior exhibit. I have seen them in situ in Xian, but I'd like to see the exhibit and show wee Toby.
The weekend is remarkably free. Lunch at Sally and Andrew's place on Sunday for birthday celebrations is all that is on the radar.
Ok. Time to get stuck in. I had Toby drop off duty this morning (I think Mike is getting too used to the early starts!!) and we had a lot of fun. He didn't have much of an appetite though - just poked at his 3 Weetbix. He'll tuck into his lunchbox though - he always eats all that.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Good morning on Thurs, Feb 26
Mamma Mia singalong was great fun. I had only seen it about 7 weeks back in Sydney yet it made me laugh once more (like I did before...). I was a bit shy to belt out the songs as the cinema managed about 40 people all up. So it wasn't deafening enough to drown me out.
Mike and Toby went to McDonalds and then the tramping club meeting. This worked out perfectly as they finished at the same time as us and only just around the corner. So we met for hot chocolates at Strawberry Fare. Toby had a late night.
However, he was up early this morning at 6.30am, so it can't have had too much impact on him. I had Toby drop-off duty as Mike took the Corolla in for a WoF. Toby and I had a great morning and we were away on time with no fussing.
I rode into work and was at my desk by 9am. Not too shabby.
Mike will drive home with newly warranted car and pick up Toby. Home made pizzas for dinner. Yummo.
I'll pop into see Mum after dinner and go for a walk with her.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Good morning on Wed, Feb 25
Well, I got a call at 1400 yesterday that Toby was sick and I needed to go and collect him. So I hopped on my bike and rode like the wind. And Toby still mentioned that he was waiting in the sick room for quite a long time (but mentioned it in a very nice way). Anyhow, he had a sore tummy and had been to the toilet a bit. Nice. Poor chap.
We went home and he got into his pyjamas. I started dinner eventually and Toby and I ate. Then Mike got home and went straight into the toilet. Oops. Then two minutes later it was my turn. So the Gilberts of Wellington all got sick about the same time.
I know - you're all asking who cooked on Monday night. Heheheheh. Wasn't me! ;-)
My tummy is still a bit weird but I'm hoping it'll be fine and I'll be ready for the Mamma Mia singalong with Sally and Vivienne (who both can sing so I may be cast aside and banished to the front seats or something). Mike will assess Toby this morning and hopefully they'll both be ready for the day. Otherwise we may have to call my mother into service. We shall see.
Anyhow, all is not lost despite the tummy bug. Toby and I sat on the couch and practised tying shoelaces up and I have a photo of Toby's first shoelaces tied. Hooray! Velcro sneakers may be a thing of the past. The afternoon flies by when you're tying Mike's shoelaces on the couch! Toby was very pleased and even tied his own (a bit more fiddly as his shoelaces are much shorter and less forgiving of mistakes).
I took the bus in (will be singing loudly and enthusiastically at the Embassy tonight so thought it'd be a great plan to just hop on a bus at the end of it all) so I missed out on my morning ride. Never mind. I am starting to entertain the idea of a longer ride in by riding up to Northland and into work the long way. Eeeek! Maybe just on the odd good day when I am earlier than usual...
Have a marvellous day!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Good morning on Tues, Feb 24
From a gorgeous day yesterday to a slightly wet Tuesday. Never mind. The road was only damp not wet this morning so the ride in was ok. The radio said it poured overnight though.
I think I am off to Mamma Mia with Sally tomorrow night (Vivienne - are you still interested?). Mike is working out the logistics. I think Toby and Mike will have Maccas and then go to the tramping club meeting - but sit near the door for a fast getaway if it bores Toby to tears. I shall let Alistair know today. Kara even expressed interest. I think the crowd will be mainly women.
Mum started her walking campaign in earnest yesterday and met me for lunch where I gave her directions to the waterfront walk. Should have been a lovely day for it. She bought a Macpac parka and is now equipped for Wellington rain and wind. I might see if I can pop over for a walk with her tonight too - after dinner and Toby is in bed.
Vivienne and John had fun in Napier. The aquarium dive saw them surrounded by pushy fish and the reef dive turned out quite well after they moved location and found somewhere with visibility greater than 2m! I think Vivienne enjoyed the surge over the tops of the reef. Heheheheh. Sounds marvellous.
Ok. Time to start the day. Pancakes at work in aid of the Australian bushfires. $5 should see me get a short stack. And Sally and Andrew have donated their lemons to a good cause!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Kaimanawa in the mist

Good morning on Monday, Feb 23
The wonderful month of February is flying by. Less than a week and it is done and dusted for another year. Does everyone love February or is it just me because it happens to be my birthday month?
I think Scott's party went well - we got a brief email saying photos would be forthcoming. I'm hoping for video footage as well.
Mike had a damp old time tramping in the Kaimanawas but he enjoyed the company of strangers (apart from Kara who is not a stranger) and has pencilled us in for a weekend at Mt Ruapehu where I get to climb up to the crater. Eeeek. The weather cheated him of good views apparently - he got horizontal rain on the ride tops instead of pleasant river valley walking.
Toby and I had a ball at the weekend. Friday night was off to a good (or is that bad) start with us joining Dad, Joe and Roz at the rugby to watch the Highlanders take on the Hurricanes. Toby decided he'd support both teams as he lives in Wellington. Fair enough. With less than 10 mins to go, the Hurricanes scored a converted try to draw level with the Highlanders and Toby and I were keen for a draw. But with 1.5 mins to go, the Hurricanes got a try and won. Toby burst into tears and sobbed as happy Hurricane supporters passed us. He looked as I felt! Heheheh.
Mike rang Toby and me at 7.30am the next morning as we were still snoozing. This got us up nice and early and we left to go to Toby's first swimming lesson of the year at Huia Pool near Sally and Andrew's place. We got there early but I missed the start of his lesson as we were assuming he was in the Octopus class on the near side of the pool, not realising there was another Octopus class on the far side. His teacher, Amber, is a dragon lady and the pupils have to do exactly as they are told. They can't play in the water when it's not their turn. They have to stand with their backs to the pool wall watching the others. And she then barks orders at them as they swim. But she is very good at it. And she will teach Toby to swim well compared to his others teachers who have taught him to play well. When Toby got out he ran to me and said it was great fun. First time he has ever said that after his lesson.
Then we went to buy Ryan a birthday present. And had lunch with Sally and Andrew. Andrew started demolishing the bathroom between lunch courses. I got chocolate cake and a present - a great map book.
Then Toby and I were off to Ryan's party. The city CBD was at a standstill because of the Cuba St Carnival. I drove to Newtown via Kelburn and Brooklyn. Toby had such fun at Ryan's party playing chase with Ryan. Toby loves getting chased - hates doing the chasing.
Saturday evening we took it easy watching movies at home. Mum and Dad drove back from Napier as the place was packed for Art Deco weekend.
Sunday morning we cleaned the house (luxed all over at any rate and it was tidy but Toby messed it up again with his toys) and I trimmed the side garden as the plants were intent on taking over the house. We put out Toby's seed bird feeder and I hope the birds find it.
Toby and I collected Benjamin and Ramble on Sunday evening. Toby loved it and talked the whole time excitedly to Benjamin. I think I need to take Toby over to see Benjamin regularly so he doesn't talk Benjamin's head off when he does see him! Ramble was happy to see Benjamin. The man at the kennels said he was nervous to start with but was happy once he got in with the dogs.
Mike - we're out of gas - can you change the gas bottle when you collect Toby and get home? There's chicken in the fridge for dinner.
Ok. Time to start the week. Let's see what is in store.
Friday, February 20, 2009
The Mail Rider
Michael, our Mailroom delivery guy, used to work for AusTrade in Sydney.
This is his story.
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain telling me what a fool I have been
Yes, it's going to be a very damp tramp this weekend. The MacPac shop has a sale so I might up-rate my tramping gear. Get some running shorts (that can survive getting wet), some gaiters, a jacket maybe, and some tramping socks. I've already used up a pair of socks getting to work! And my jeans are still wet too. The girl who sits beside me is so unreasonable, she wasn't happy with me working in my jocks and drying my jeans on her spare chair. (It IS casual Friday after all!)
Good morning on Fri, Feb 20
It's Scotty's birthday! Happy birthday, Scott. I'm glad he isn't having his birthday here in Wellington as the beautiful weather has disappeared and been replaced with rain and low cloud. But it is still quite warm.
So, it'll be a damp night tonight at the rugby. But who knows - that might favour Otago. Yeah, right!
Mike is packed and ready for his tramping weekend. It's forecast to be damp all over the North Island so he'll be trying to stay dry somewhere. I think they have a river crossing to do too. Yikes.
Not much else to report really. I hope Vivienne and John's diving trip to Napier is fun - at least it doesn't rain underwater! Heheheheh.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
One of my jobs this morning was to chop down the washing line! Woo hoo! Wilf is coming today to build a nice fence off our patio and just below it, so you don't risk a 7 metre fall onto concrete when you're hanging out your underpants. But the old washing line had to go - and a new washing line has to be bought and installed.
I just hacksawed through the metal poles holding it up - was nice soft metal and the saw cut through them easily. The first one had a nice wee fountain of rainwater once I'd cut thru the first bit of the pipe. The second one oozed some milky stuff - until I was nearly through it when it sprayed out a revolting milky lumpy gruel with orange streaks through it. All over me. Looked rather like vomit really. So I am onto my second pair of pants and shoes for the morning.
Toby was very good this morning - got up early (7am), got dressed, ate his weetbix, watched 'Speed Racer - The Next Generation' (while I sorted out washing, cut down washing lines and, er, changed my clothes) and trotted off to school right on time.
I bussed in, and will taxi home - since I have meetings til 4:30 and have to be up the hill and discussing Toby with his teacher 15 mins later. My bike is languishing in the work basement.
Yes, I'm off tramping tomorrow night. Should be good! We are having spicy vegetarian couscous for dinner on Saturday night. Kara and I will bring a tin of tuna to spike it with. The rumor mill is telling me that Sally and Andrew are stripping out the bathroom this weekend - good luck with that!!!
Good morning on Thurs, Feb 19
And what a mighty fine morning it is here too. Perfection. Shame the forecast for tomorrow and the weekend isn't this good. But then, everybody would want to live here.
I spoke to Karen and Tyler and Abby yesterday (and so did Toby - he loves a good chat with Tyler - he hardly speaks to anyone on the phone but her) and they wished me a happy birthday. They are all excited because tomorrow is Scott's 40th birthday - a huge event in the Kitto social calendar. Ummm. We really should have bought something for such a special occasion. Mike...?
This evening (well, 4.45pm) is our parent/teacher meeting with Miss Croft so I need to head away a bit earlier than usual. I'll be nice and sweaty for the chat with her. Heheheh. She's seen me in my bike shorts before so it shouldn't be too shocking.
Mike has to pack for his weekend tramping tonight. He's off tomorrow afternoon to the Kaimanawas for some bush bashing. With 6 women! He'll be the manly one that takes lids off things and scares out wetas from the hut!
Tomorrow night (in the forecast rain no doubt) Toby and I will go to the rugby with Dad (Hurricanes v Highlanders - go Ottaaaggggooooo) and some work colleagues unless they all pike because of the weather. Should be good fun!
The weekend holds excitement for me and Toby. Swimming at Huia Pool, lunch with Sally and Andrew, birthday party at 2pm and possibly the parade for the Cuba St carnival in the evening - all on Saturday. Then Sunday we're pretty free I think. Unless I have forgotten stuff. Which I may have. My parents may be taking their new car to Napier for the weekend to explore. That'll be great fun. I told them they can see Vivienne and John in the aquarium feeding sharks!
Toby and I may have to collect Ramble from the kennel if Vivienne and John are delayed getting back from their diving adventure. Any excuse to play with Ramble, eh Toby? Cool!
Have a great day.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Good morning on Wed, Feb 18
Another lovely day in Wellington. Last night we had great fun. I collected Toby and Mum in the car and we drove into town and parked under the TSB Arena (we won't do that again). We went to an Irish/NZ pub with very nice food and we all had a jolly good time. I got a present from Mum and Dad (which Mike took home with him and Toby) and then we headed over to the Billy Connelly show.
Billy was very entertaining, if sometimes not very PC (Rafael Nadal copped a bit from him, as well as fat women and pigeons) and we all had a very good laugh for the most part of 2 hours. We also spent 30 minutes queuing to pay for our car park tickets (hence the reason we won't park there again).
Mike and I have a parent/teacher meeting with Miss Croft on Thursday afternoon at 4.45pm. Mustn't be late!
Ok. Time for tea.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Photos from the weekend
Good morning on Tues, Feb 17
What a glorious day it is today. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and there is hardly any wind. It also happens to be my birthday. Naturally!
I was up and about this morning and both my boys got up early. Perhaps it should be my birthday every day? Mike set his alarm super early to make me pancakes for breakfast but I passed on that and he helped me make the lunches instead. Toby woke up as I was brushing my teeth and I got a super birthday kiss from him. And he gave me one of his toys to take to work, so now I have a Mushabelly on my desk.
Tonight we have a plan. I'll ride home at 1630 and collect wee Toby. I'll get showered and changed. Then Toby and I will collect Mum and we'll drive into town for dinner at the Green Man. Then Mum, Dad and I are off to see Billy Connelly tonight. Mum and Dad have seen him a few times before I think. Should be entertaining.
So, have a marvellous day. I have Afghan cookies for my birthday shout morning tea (but Toby wants me to keep him one!).
Monday, February 16, 2009
What a wonderful weekend. It started with dinner at Mum and Dad's place so I didn't need to cook. That is always a good start to a weekend! Then we went home and I watched some TV with Toby while Mike packed for the tramp. I had collated stuff together and Mike packed it into packs. No idea what time he came to bed but we were up bright and early.
We walked down Norwich St with our packs on and I was joking to Toby he could tell his class he tramped down Norwich St. We waited at the bus stop for the number 14 bus to the train station. As we waited, a young woman walked to the stop laden with her pack. Mike asked her if she was going to Paua Hut and she said yes. Her name was Katerina, but we could call her Kat. Toby laughed and said "Cat?"
We got to the train station and met the rest of the crowd (bar two who would meet us at the carpark). Oddly enough every one of us was in IT. Eeeek. We met Steve Austin, our leader, Kat, Jordan and Alex. At the carpark at Catchpool we met Andrew and V.
Toby walked into the river very well. There were loads of interesting things along the way. Wobbly tree roots, mossy logs, fallen down trees, swing bridges, other trampers, dogs and all sorts of snacks to eat (Mike had packed well). Once at the river, Toby absolutely loved the many river crossings. Once he saw we all walked in the water with our boots on, he was off. And although the rest of us crossed the rivers at their narrowest and got back on the shingle, Toby took to walking down the middle of the river. He was quite taken with this aspect of our tramp.
We got to the hut easily (I think 2 hours total) and Toby and I pitched our tent and the others left their packs and took off to climb the hill behind the hut. Toby and I passed the time on a handy rope swing someone had put up.
Once we were all back together, we got dinner on. Yummy tuna and rice green curry. Toby ate well (once I scraped off the zucchini and peppers).
Mike, Toby and I slept well in our wee two-man tent. Snug and warm, and not too crowded. We woke at 7am and Toby ate 5 Weetbix for breakfast. He loved brushing his teeth down at the river and we tried to make a bridge over to the shingle bank by throwing huge stones into the river. This was so Toby could visit where someone had tried to build a huge teepee and had huge branches in the right shape still. He gave up on me as a bridge builder saying he was sorry he had set me such a difficult task and he needed his Dad to sort it out.
So Mike and Toby took off to explore (and get their feet wet) and I went back and carried all our packs down to the river as we all left to head back to the car.
Toby moaned a little about heading back to the car, but he quickly forgot about it. He walked well back (although an episode of running saw him trip on a tree root and graze his hand - he loved the admiration he got when I took out a Batman plaster to cover it all) to the carpark and we all decided to do it again soon. Well, Toby wanted to do it every weekend.
Sunday evening was spent watching the latest episode of Battlestar Galactica. It is drawing to an end so it is very exciting.
Back to work for the week.
Have a marvellous time this week.
Friday, February 13, 2009
And good morning from me
Yeah, I didn't sleep much, maybe because of the frenetic tax prep work I was doing in the evening, but maybe because Angela bought me a pint of V at 4pm! Oops. But yes, it has its advantages because I got to watch the TRACTOR PULLING on ESPN at 2:30am. Fantastic! Almost as good as the truck trials on Eurosport. Truck trials? Well, it's trials. But you drive a truck instead of a motorbike. And it goes just as badly as I'm sure you're thinking it would!
But Toby and I had a particularly good morning this morning. He was up bright and early and bushy tailed at 7am, and we actually got out of the house EARLY! When we walked in Toby really wanted to show me 'his school'. He was so proud - is that the right word? - to show me everything. I met his teacher, and he took me around and showed me all the things in his routine - his hook where he hangs his bag, the shelf where he puts his drink bottle, the artwork he's done that's hanging from the ceiling, his seat with his chair bag and his pencil case... it was great.
Angela was waiting for the bus at 7am when the neighbour across the road gave her lift into town. Her name is Maureen - a very friendly neighbour! And the same thing happened to me - just as I was coming back home I bumped into our neighbours-with-the-fresh-baby and they gave me a ride down the hill. Fiona grew up here and went to Wadestown Side School and Main School too. She told me a terrible nightmare that she used to have when she went to the side school - that she'd walk all the way up Weld street (which is VERY steep - even for Wellington), and she'd go to cross the road at the top (which is the only place that you're allowed to) - but the road was covered in grease, so she'd slide all the way back down to the bottom, and have to walk back up to the top again, but then she'd slide down and .... AAAAHHHGGGG wake up screaming in her bed. That's an incredibly detailed and complex nightmare for a six year old ay!! Wonder what Freud would say.
Good morning on Fri, Feb 13
Another damp morning - but not much wind. However, when I left work last night it was chucking it down. So I caught the bus home (got soaked anyway) and picked up Toby. He got soaked walking home (unplugging a dam of leaves in a drain contributed much to Toby's soaking).
When Mike got home I left to babysit the Sampson children. Well, I think I did. I never saw any children as they were in bed when I got there at 7pm. As per usual. I read a book on their couch and enjoyed a chat with Lesley when she got home from her parent/teacher evening.
Mike has sorted out taxes and various other bits and bobs. But his brain was going flat out when I got home and he never slept well. He even got up to watch quality TV in the middle of the night. Mad!
We're off tramping this weekend. I hope the rain is not as heavy where we're going as we have a river crossing.
Time for a cup of tea.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
30 is soooo-oo old
Good morning on Thurs, Feb 12
I am sure the week is crawling by - maybe the warm, wet, humid conditions have something to do with that. When will it end?
My parents get their new car today. I hope they pop over to visit us this afternoon. I'd love to see it. They have bought a Mazda 3 - in crystal white.
Mike attended the tramping club meeting last night and we have food to take in for the weekend tramp. I hope this rain is light enough to stop the river rising - we have to cross a river on this tramp. Toby should find that interesting. Mike thinks he may get a piece of rope just for him and Toby.
But apart from that not much else to report this morning. I think I need Weetbix and tea to get me started. I crawled down the wet hill once more this morning and made it in between the forecast "heavy showers at times".
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Good morning on Wed, Feb 11
We had a great GiRL night out last night (I have decided to call it a GiRL night out - GIlbert, Richardson, Lewis - because I'm a nerdy type that thinks up silly stuff like that). Mum, Sally, Vivienne and I enjoyed the movie Slumdog Millionaire. Some of it made me squirm (tortuous scenes on children not being high on my list of enjoyable watching) but the acting was brilliant and the scenery about Mumbai was fascinating. Perhaps we can arrange another movie night at some stage. My mother is keen on Revolutionary Road which is also well acted and a bit depressing by all accounts. Great, uplifting stuff.
Another damp morning in Wellington. But not a breath of wind on my way down the hill. I actually almost enjoyed it. But I did take ages compared to usual - I keep my speed under control when the roads are wet. Which means I ride very slow as my brakes are rubbish with any moisture.
Mike has tramping club meeting tonight and we need to sort out what is happening this weekend so I guess he may collect gear for us to carry.
When I kissed Toby goodbye this morning he woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. So the boys are having a great morning.
Time for my Weetbix. And a cup of tea.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
How the Penguin found a Puffle (a short story.)

And then, he found a Puffle! It was green, and it was really nice to him. Its name was ‘Funky’, and he lived in lots of snow. It was really nice of the lonely penguin, because he had just got to the top of the mountain – and the mountain was very, very, VERY tall. He was very annoyed it was so tall! It was so tall, he couldn’t get much money


Good morning on Tues, Feb 10
It is a wet morning here in Wellington but still really warm. Very odd weather. I had Toby drop off duty this morning as Mike was into work at 6am! Weird. We had a nice morning with lots of hugs and cuddles (I was saddened by the bushfires in Victoria and Toby cheered me up) and a nice walk in. I met Hamish (Mike's friend from Dunedin - married to Sarah - father of Ryan) at the bus stop and we chatted on the way in (it is his birthday today!).
I have a night out on the town with Mum, Vivienne and Sally. I must buy the tickets today. 6.30pm is the session and we're seeing Slumdog Millionaire. The place to meet is outside the Majestic Centre at 1730 (cnr Willis and Boulcott). Mum and Vivienne and I might grab a quick dinner in the food court at Reading Cinemas before the movie starts. Sally has a meeting and will be delayed a little. She can have a dinner of M&Ms and popcorn. Yummo! By the way, I stupidly left my cellphone at home (along with my house keys - Mike, you will let me in when I get home won't you?). So perhaps Mum can be the contact person? And if I had my phone I'd let you know her number. Maybe Mike will sort us out in that department.
Anyhow, time to get stuck in.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Good morning on Mon, Feb 9 mid morning
I just remembered what we did on Friday. We went to Te Papa to see the Colossal Squid. It was great fun! Loads of people visiting too. We had fun in several exhibits and Toby created his own colossal squid and learned all about tentacles, mantles, eyes and various other parts of the squid anatomy.
Good morning on Monday, Feb 9
What a pleasant long weekend. The weather was very good, if a little gusty. Yesterday was almost unanimously called a scorcher. My mother conceded that this time next year she may also call it that. However, the beach was still too cold for Toby to swim in. He paddled and ran out.
We didn't do very much really over the long weekend. Friday was nice and slow. Saturday we went for lunch to Sally and Andrew's place and they couldn't get rid of us. We camped in their backyard that evening and stayed for the family lunch the next day.
Mum also enjoyed the lunch there and Mike, Toby, Mum and I went to the beach on the way home.
Despite the radio saying the entire North Island would enjoy fine weather, I put my bike shorts on and walked into the lounge to see rain and wind battering the windows. Yuck! Some madness came over me and I rode in anyway. Actually, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Have a great week.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Good morning on Thurs, Feb 5
Hey - it feels like it's almost the weekend! Tomorrow is Waitangi Day and we're off camping - apparently. Mike says so. No idea what the plan is. Mike will collect wee Toby at 3pm from school and pack. I'll get home and we'll go. Somewhere. We need to drop the wee car off at my parents place so Dad can get to work on Friday and Sunday as his bus route is slack and doesn't start early enough for him to get to work. How silly is that? But our number 14 does. So he'll drive to our place and catch that bus in.
Last night was relaxed. Very pleasant. Toby had a great day at school. Wee Tyler starts her school today so they'll all be excited in the Kitto household. I can't wait to see photos.
I also hope Benjamin is settling in ok at his school. He's mixing it up with the high school crowd now. How cool is that?
Have a great long weekend in NZ. And I hope Tyler enjoys her first two days at school.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Good morning on Wed, Feb 4
It was Toby's first day back at school today. He is in the Main School now, in Room 10 with Mrs Croft. He was very pleased to be heading back to school. He took off when we got there to play outside with his friends. I stayed back to meet Mrs Croft and then rode into work.
Toby and I had fun on Monday and Tuesday. Although I have to say he chose to play at friend's houses both afternoons. Hmmmm. We had a really good day at the zoo yesterday.
I really enjoyed the 4 day weekend. After having a long holiday over Christmas I didn't expect to enjoy it quite as much as I did. I might have to take 3 day weekends more regularly.
Are we still on to go camping this weekend with the Lewises? Mike and I are keen to walk up to Powel Hut while we're at Mt Holdsworth. Let us know the plan - if there is one. Aunty Sally has also sent Toby a letter inviting him to come camping at Whites Line West this weekend. Toby read the whole letter by himself and he was very excited to be invited. perhaps we can manage both (Thurs night at Woburn??).
Anyhow. Time to get stuck in.