Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Good morning on Wed, May 12


Well, I have to say, my session I organised last night went off ok.  It was a good length and appealed to non-technical people in the audience.  I wanted the presenter to suddenly rip off the hood and start coding, but he didn't. 

Mike came in with Toby and picked me and Andy up and we got home at a reasonable time.  Mike headed off to his meeting and Toby and I sorted out our lives, read a bit more of Robin Hood (Toby really likes it - and it is a very old English version of it, with old fashioned words) and both went to bed.

Before bed, Toby did tell me that he got to watch a movie at school yesterday.  Astonishment on my behalf was followed by more questioning.  Was it at Skids?  No.  Was it Mrs Mahoney?  No.  Turns out all the teachers were meeting, and just the principal and deputy principal were in charge of the kids.  I am very curious now.  Let us know if anyone has any idea about the meeting.

This morning was Toby drop-off duty for me.  Mike is doing the karate sessions now.  And tonight is a grading for a yellow belt.  A big event.  I am quite nervous and pleased I won't be there to watch.  Mike has to get there a wee bit early and ask about the Reverse Punch to make sure we have been training Toby right.  Also, he needs to practise Yoi, Koyitse (attention stance) and Seisan (forward leaning stance).  While he knows them, he is getting confused between these three at the moment.

We had a good morning.  Mike was riding for the first time in ages (and I had a good giggle at his story of his ride in this morning) and when I rode in it was lovely.  I did have a migraine start, but my vision was only obscured at the start of my ride.  It was quite good by the time I was mixing it up with pedestrians and traffic!  Honest!

I hope the day is not very exciting.  A pounding headache wouldn't be conducive to keen coding today.  Heheheh.

Our online shop is due to arrive between 6pm and 8pm tonight (so Ma and Dad, expect some groceries to arrive at some stage).  Hooray.  We'll have food in the house.

That's about it.  Have a great day!  Good luck, wee Toby!


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